October 2006 Intellectual Property Law Top Blawgs
Covers the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. By John L. Welch.
Legal news and analysis, with an emphasis on international and domestic intellectual property developments. By Shawn Sullivan.
Covers IP/IT law, with a strong focus on copyright and internet law. By Barry Sookman.
Follows recent developments in US Patent and Intellectual Property Law and offers practitioners feedback and lessons for dealing with these changes.
Covers contingent fee, alternative billing, copyright lawsuits and patent lawsuits. By Mann Law Group.
An online repository for intellectual property articles, papers and news.
Covers advertising, ambush marketing, appellations of origin, branding, replacement parts, famous marks, grey goods and Madrid Protocol. By Marty Schwimmer.
Covers copyright infringement issues.
Covers intellectual property (IP) law topics, including copyright law, trademark law, patent licensing, patent enforcement, and inter party matters.
Covers intellectual property in China.
Covers emerging patent developments in the areas of microelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology. By Blaise Mouttet.
Covers intellectual property in Australia. By Melbourne University's Kimberlee Weatherall.
Covers constitutional law, copyright/technology, corporate law, criminal law, free speech, genetic testing, international law, national security and more.
Covers video game IP law. By Ross Dannenberg.
Covers issues pertaining to trademarks, copyrights, patents and starting a business. By Shannon Moore.
Provides insight and analysis on patent law, patent portfolio management and patent litigation in the fields of electronics, software and computers. By Peter Zura.
Covers patents, trademarks, copyright law, franchise law, trade secret law and unfair competition law. By John Rizvi.
Legal developments involving the Internet and new technologies. By Evan Brown.
Covers copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a UK and European perspective.
Bibliography of current articles on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Teach Act and other copyright issues. By M. Claire Stewart.