February 2012 Intellectual Property Law Top Blawgs
Covers news and updates in business litigation, IP, trademark, copyright law. By BerlikLaw, LLC.
Covers recent developments affecting business law. From the University of Illinois College of Law.
Denise Howell and guests discuss technology law. From the TWiT netcast network.
Covers technology, law, baseball, and rock 'n' roll. By Erik J. Heels.
Bibliography of current articles on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Teach Act and other copyright issues. By M. Claire Stewart.
Covers law, culture and the use of intellectual property by scholars, teachers, students and librarians. By Elizabeth Townsend Gard.
Covers trade secrets, noncompetes, privacy and security, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, trademarks, copyrights, and business torts. By Russell Beck.
Bibliography of current articles on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the TEACH act and other copyright issues. Maintained by Claire Stewart, Northwestern University Library. With contributions from Paul Clough, Stu Baker and Brian Nielsen.
Covers laws which regulates actions or events that transcend national frontiers, including human rights, environmental law, immigration, intellectual property and space law. By Derek Deavenport, John Dermody, Travis Hodgkins and Christine Ngo.
Covers video game IP law. By Ross Dannenberg.
Covers false advertising and intellectual property issues. By Professor Rebecca Tushnet.
Features news and commentary on intellectual property law. By McKee, Voorhees & Sease.
Covers patent infringement and litigation.
Discuss current copyright/internet law issues. By Derek Slater.
Devoted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, with special emphasis on patent litigation. By Michael C. Smith.
Covers patents, claim drafting tips, patent cases, patent legislation and patent prosecution. By Dennis Crouch.
Covers intellectual property in China.
Covers copyright infringement issues.
Follows recent developments in US Patent and Intellectual Property Law and offers practitioners feedback and lessons for dealing with these changes.
Legal news and analysis, with an emphasis on international and domestic intellectual property developments. By Shawn Sullivan.