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PlagiarismToday [Feed]
Covers content theft, plagiarism, and copyright issues on the Web. By Jonathan Bailey.
Last Updated: July 25, 2024 - Rank this Week: 2768
Reasonable Balance [Feed]
Covers copyright and music. By Nancy Prager.
Last Updated: January 29, 2015 - Rank this Week: 2793
Recording Industry vs The People [Feed]
Covers the RIAA's lawsuits of against ordinary working people.
Last Updated: January 27, 2017 - Rank this Week: 2909
Google Copyright Blog [Feed]
Covers search engines and copyright issues.
Last Updated: November 10, 2007 - Rank this Week: 3009
Privacy and IP Law Blog [Feed]
Addresses recent events in trademark, copyright, computer and privacy law. By Christina Frangiosa.
Last Updated: February 28, 2024 - Rank this Week: 3217
Dozier Internet Law [Feed]
Comments on Internet law issues including hacking, intellectual property infringment, spam, free speech and regulatory matters. By John W. Dozier, Jr.
Last Updated: October 12, 2012 - Rank this Week: 3420