Most Popular Trials and Litigation Blawgs
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Blogs 93 - 110 of 110
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Trial Advocacy Blog [Feed]
Focuses on trial advocacy. From Temple University's Beasley School of Law.
Last Updated: March 11, 2014 - Rank this Week: 266
At Counsel Table [Feed]
Covers the craft and business of the courtroom lawyer. By Alex Craigie.
Last Updated: March 9, 2014 - Rank this Week: 1030
Federal Civil Practice Bulletin [Feed]
Covers federal civil practice and procedure. By Washington & Lee University School of Law, Professor A. Benjamin Spencer.
Last Updated: January 13, 2014 - Rank this Week: 304
North Carolina Litigation Blog [Feed]
Covers litigation in North Carolina including construction law, personal injury, insurance, N.C. Court of Appeals and N.C. Supreme Court opinions. By Angela Jolly.
Last Updated: July 14, 2013 - Rank this Week: 1892
Armillary Observations [Feed]
Focuses on appellate law and military law.
Last Updated: March 24, 2013 - Rank this Week: 1111
California Civil Litigation [Feed]
Covers recent decisions of the California Courts that are of interest to the civil litigation practitioner. By Pamela Fasick.
Last Updated: January 15, 2013 - Rank this Week: 1665
Beyond the Underground [Feed]
Covers legal news, politics, and whimsy. By Evan Schaeffer.
Last Updated: November 28, 2012 - Rank this Week: 538
Northern District of California Blog [Feed]
Covers court orders in primarily civil cases from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. By Michael O'Brien.
Last Updated: October 7, 2012 - Rank this Week: 995
South Carolina Appellate Lawyer [Feed]
Covers appellate practice in South Carolina. By Christian Stegmaier.Covers appellate practice in South Carolina. By Christian Stegmaier.
Last Updated: October 1, 2011 - Rank this Week: 1830
Lawyer Hatton [Feed]
Covers cases and topics of interest to solo or small firm practices. From Tennessee attorney Tim Hatton.
Last Updated: May 27, 2011 - Rank this Week: 1142
Minority Defense Litigator [Feed]
Address issues relevant to minority trial lawyers who defend civil litigation. By Charles E. Griffin.
Last Updated: February 15, 2011 - Rank this Week: 1736
Wines and Information Management (WIM) [Feed]
In-house counsel blawg on e-disovery, the impact of IT on the law and vice versa, information/knowledge management and wines. By Dominic Jaar.
Last Updated: November 26, 2010 - Rank this Week: 1003
shlep: the Self-Help Law ExPress [Feed]
News, views and information on self-help law and pro se litigation.
Last Updated: February 19, 2010 - Rank this Week: 757
Unstructured Data Blog [Feed]
Covers electronic discovery. By Digital Reef.
Last Updated: August 4, 2009 - Rank this Week: 2336
Advocate's Almanac [Feed]
Focuses on criminal law and evidentiary issues. By Rubin Sinins.
Last Updated: August 1, 2009 - Rank this Week: 1890
Renvoi: Lex Situs Conflictus [Feed]
Covers Canadian conflict of laws. By Seva Batkin.
Last Updated: January 19, 2009 - Rank this Week: 2238
South Carolina Appellate Law Blog [Feed]
Follows the opinions of the South Carolina appellate courts, the Fourth Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court. By Womble Carlyle.
Last Updated: December 13, 2008 - Rank this Week: 679
Virginia Injury Lawyer Blog [Feed]
Provides trial & litigation, and injury & accident news, resources and commentary. By Doug Wessel.
Last Updated: January 6, 2007 - Rank this Week: 1755