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29 Jun 2016, 2:17 pm
Kindness, patience, and compassion—those were the key words in the description of Angela Schultz when the Wisconsin Law Journal recognized her as one of this year’s outstanding “Women in the Law” at an event attended by more than 300 people last week at the Pfister Hotel. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 10:33 pm
Angela K. [read post]
26 Sep 2022, 5:58 am
I explained that I relied on the expertise of Angela F. [read post]
26 Feb 2016, 9:26 am
Through efforts such as the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic (MVLC), “we are chipping away at poverty by bringing greater access to justice,” says Angela Schultz, Marquette Law School’s assistant dean for public service. [read post]
13 Feb 2018, 9:01 pm
Natürlich, Angela Merkel will be chancellor again—an office she has held since 2005. [read post]
3 Jun 2011, 4:10 am
As previously reported, earlier this week a Texas federal district court judge in Schultz v. [read post]
8 Feb 2018, 2:38 pm
Angela Schultz, assistant dean for public service, said that as an undergraduate at Marquette University, Haller worked as an intern at the Milwaukee Justice Center and an intern in the Wisconsin State Public Defender’s office. [read post]
15 Aug 2014, 8:01 am
The tentative cases were chosen with the input and advice of an Advisory Panel of distinguished U.S. scholars including Kathryn Abrams, Katharine Bartlett, Devon Carbado, Mary Anne Case, Erwin Chemerinsky, April Cherry, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Martha Fineman, Margaret Johnson, Sonia Katyal, Nancy Leong, Catharine MacKinnon, Rachel Moran, Melissa Murray, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Nancy Polikoff, Dorothy Roberts, Dan Rodriguez, Susan Ross, Vicki Schultz, Dean Spade, Robin West, and… [read post]
26 Sep 2017, 5:45 am
Lawmaker Delayed for Years” by Angela Couloumbis and Craig McCoy for Philadelphia Inquirer Elections “Facebook to Turn Over Thousands of Russian Ads to Congress, Reversing Decision” by Craig Timberg, Carol Leonnig, and Elizabeth Dwoskin for Washington Post [read post]
10 Aug 2009, 1:57 am
A series of panels will discuss: * the right of the public to have access to works embraced by such a settlement * the questions of privacy inevitably arising from creating and controlling access to such a collection * the potential for and restrictions on research into the content and use of such a collection * the quality of the content and the metadata surrounding itThis one-day conference will bring together a range of voices and opinions and will, it is hoped, lead to a more… [read post]
12 Sep 2014, 12:10 pm
The tentative cases were chosen with the input and advice of an Advisory Panel of distinguished U.S. scholars including Kathryn Abrams, Katharine Bartlett, Devon Carbado, Mary Anne Case, Erwin Chemerinsky, April Cherry, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Martha Fineman, Margaret Johnson, Sonia Katyal, Nancy Leong, Catharine MacKinnon, Rachel Moran, Melissa Murray, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Nancy Polikoff, Dorothy Roberts, Dan Rodriguez, Susan Ross, Vicki Schultz, Dean Spade, Robin West, and… [read post]
11 Aug 2014, 10:23 am
The tentative cases were chosen with the input and advice of an Advisory Panel of distinguished U.S. scholars including Kathryn Abrams, Katharine Bartlett, Devon Carbado, Mary Anne Case, Erwin Chemerinsky, April Cherry, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Martha Fineman, Margaret Johnson, Sonia Katyal, Nancy Leong, Catharine MacKinnon, Rachel Moran, Melissa Murray, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Nancy Polikoff, Dorothy Roberts, Dan Rodriguez, Susan Ross, Vicki Schultz, Dean Spade, Robin West, and… [read post]
11 Dec 2023, 6:33 am
A number of those involved in envisioning and making possible the Mobile Legal Clinic—Frank Daily, Julie Ebert, Mike Gonring, and Angela Schultz—were recognized at the gathering. [read post]
26 Nov 2007, 12:29 pm
Thomas); Lisa Pruitt (UC-Davis); Nancy Reichman (Denver, Sociology Dept.); Leticia Saucedo (UNLV); Vicki Schultz (Yale); Michael Selmi (GW); Brenda Smith (American); Peggie Smith (Iowa); Laura Spitz (Colorado); Susan Sturm (Columbia); Tracy Thomas (Akron); Rose Villazor (SMU); Joan Vogel (Vermont); Sidney Watson (St. [read post]
21 Jun 2011, 8:02 pm
Franke Columbia 4 Angela P. [read post]
19 May 2014, 10:57 am
Angela Schultz, the Pro Bono Director at the Law School, said in her nominating letter to the State Bar of Mindy: As a regular supervising attorney of the help desk, I have observed Ms. [read post]
13 Sep 2007, 5:44 pm
Invited guests include Vicki Schultz (Yale), Jane Schacter (Stanford), Beth Mertz (Wisconsin and ABF), Boa Santos (Coimbra and Wisconsin), Robin West (Georgetown), Angela Harris and Leti Volpp (Berkeley), and others. [read post]
1 May 2008, 7:16 pm
Reviewed by Angela Mae Kupenda, Mississippi College School of Law. . . . pp.303-305. [read post]
6 Oct 2011, 6:50 am
Consequences: The Burden of History in a Post-Race Era Paul Butler, Professor, George Washington University Law School Angela J. [read post]
28 Apr 2014, 7:16 am
Angela Schultz is the pro bono director at the Law School. [read post]