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In the latest episode of our Split the difference podcast series, which explores divergence and convergence between the EU and UK regulatory regimes in the markets space, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin, Floortje Nagelkerke, Anna Carrier and Catherine Pluck discuss Consolidated Tape in the EU and UK. [read post]
In our new podcast series, Split the difference, which explores divergence between the EU and UK regimes in the markets space, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin, Anna Carrier and Floortje Nagelkerke provide an overview of what we should be expecting and hoping to see in 2023. [read post]
In our latest Global Regulation Tomorrow Plus podcast, Anna Carrier, Nikolai de Koning, Sebastien Praicheux and Simon Lovegrove discuss the first milestone of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 on Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCAR). [read post]
In the latest episode, Hannah Meakin, Anna Carrier, Georgia Karamani, Floortje Nagelkerke and Simon Lovegrove explore EMIR 3.0 and how the proposed new rules compare with the UK regime. [read post]
In the latest in our podcast series, Split the difference, which explores divergence between the EU and UK regulatory regimes in the markets space, Hannah Meakin, Albert Weatherill, Floortje Nagelkerke and Anna Carrier explore some of the markets dimensions of the regulatory reforms involving cryptoassets. [read post]
In the latest episode, Hannah Meakin, Anna Carrier and Simon Lovegrove explore the differences between the EU DLT Pilot Regime and the UK Digital Securities Sandbox. [read post]
In this latest episode of our podcast series, Split the Difference, Hannah Meakin, Floortje Nagelkerke, Anna Carrier, Lucy Dodson and Simon Lovegrove look ahead at some of the key regulatory topics impacting institutions in the markets space in both the UK and the EU during 2025. [read post]
In the latest podcast in our EMEA regulatory insights series Anna Carrier from our Brussels office discusses the recent changes to the European Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT 2). [read post]
In the latest in our podcast series, Split the difference, which explores divergence between the EU and UK regulatory regimes in the markets space, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin and Anna Carrier discuss ESMA’s recent opinion on the trading venue perimeter and compare it to the FCA’s proposals in CP22/18. [read post]
In the latest in our podcast series, split the difference, which explores divergence between the EU and UK regulatory regimes in the markets space, Floortje Nagelkerke, Hannah Meakin, Anna Carrier, Lucy Axford and Simon Lovegrove discuss the recent and upcoming changes to EMIR. [read post]
In the latest episode of our Split the difference podcast series, which explores divergence and convergence between the EU and UK regulatory regimes in the markets space, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin, Floortje Nagelkerke, Anna Carrier and Simon Lovegrove discuss the UK/EU MoU on regulatory cooperation in financial services, equivalence and the impact on market infrastructure. [read post]
In the latest in our podcast series, split the difference, which explores divergence between the EU and UK regulatory regimes in the markets space, Hannah Meakin, Jonathan Herbst, Floortje Nagelkerke, Anna Carrier and Simon Lovegrove discuss the FCA’s recent Policy Statement on the UK equity secondary markets regime and how the new rules compare with the EU regime. [read post]
13 Oct 2011, 12:50 pm by Doug Isenberg
House of Representatives in June by Palo Alto Democrat Anna Eshoo. [read post]
7 Dec 2022, 5:27 pm by India McKinney
  Telecommunications carriers are already required to make numbers portable when users want to change carriers. [read post]
13 Jun 2011, 10:00 am by PJ Blount
Schmitt, Wings over Libya: The No-Fly Zone in Legal Perspective, Yale Journal of International Law Online Anna Konert, Air Carrier Liability under Polish Air Law, 50 Indian Journal of International Law (2011) Documents A/AC.105/L.281 – Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Fifty-fourth session Vienna, 1-10 June 2011 – Draft report A/AC.105/L.281/Add.2 – Annex I – Commemorative segment of the fifty-fourth session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses… [read post]
29 Nov 2016, 8:03 am
"At age 13, Anna Kessler was diagnosed with asthma, which kept getting progressively worse over time. [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 6:00 am by Danny Meek
Today we received another opinion on this carrier. ... [read post]