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30 Jan 2009, 3:00 pm
LeonPanelists: Mark Reisman, Etsuo Tscuchikane, Patrick L. [read post]
12 Jun 2014, 5:30 pm
Reisman and Tiffani L. [read post]
19 Oct 2006, 9:34 pm
: Building the Rule of Law after Military Interventions Christian L. [read post]
27 Nov 2023, 1:57 pm
Contact Liskow attorneys Elizabeth Strunk, Michael Golemi, and David Reisman for further questions regarding this topic. 1 275 U.S. 303 (1927). 2 In re Falcon Global Offshore II, No. 21-1062, 2023 WL 7128849 (E.D. [read post]
2 Dec 2010, 9:16 am
Deardorff.Schultz, David A. [read post]
7 Jun 2007, 1:37 am
Jun 05, 2007) (NO. 1254, 1095/04)Steven Banks, The Legal Aid Society, New York (David Crow of counsel), and Proskauer Rose LLP, New York (Sarah Reisman of counsel), for appellant. [read post]
20 Apr 2022, 3:14 am
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
16 Feb 2022, 12:22 am
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
30 Aug 2023, 3:52 pm
427-468 (available here) Balbi, Francesca “La circolazione delle decisioni a livello globale: il rogetto di convenzione della Conferenza dell’Aia per il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle sentenze straniere” (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2019; available: here) Beaumont, Paul “Forum non Conveniens and the EU rules on Conflicts of Jurisdiction: A Possible Global Solution”, Revue Critique de Droit International… [read post]
4 Apr 2023, 2:20 am
1508-1545 (available here) Ceci, Federico “Osservazioni sull’adesione dell’Unione europea alla Convenzione dell’Aja del 2019 sul riconosciemento e l’esecuzione delle sentenze straniere in materia civile e commerciale”, Quaderni AISDUE N. [read post]
11 Jan 2022, 3:33 pm
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
31 Aug 2022, 7:46 am
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
27 Sep 2022, 11:51 pm
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
15 Feb 2023, 12:49 am
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
14 May 2015, 7:04 pm
(Pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2015) Sexual Assault has been much in the news in the United States. [read post]
21 Jun 2022, 10:25 pm
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]
23 Nov 2021, 3:58 am
Bibliography Badr, Yehya Ibrahim “The Hague 2019 Convention for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judicial Decisions: A Comparative Study”, International Journal of Doctrine, Judiciary, and Legislation (IJDJL) 3 (2022), forthcoming (soon available here) Balbi, Francesca “La circolazione delle decisioni a livello globale: il rogetto di convenzione della Conferenza dell’Aia per il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle sentenze straniere” (Tesi di… [read post]
7 Dec 2021, 10:52 am
30-34 Choi, Sung-Soo “Review of the several issues of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Gachon Law Review 14 (2021), pp. 37-68 (available here) Clavel, Sandrine ; Jault-Seseke, Fabienne “La convention de La Haye du 2 juillet 2019 sur la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile ou commerciale : Que peut-on en attendre ? [read post]