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In the latest Global Regulation Tomorrow Plus episode, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin and Anita Edwards discuss some of the key issues concerning the UK regime for payment for order flow. [read post]
In Episode 4 of our podcast series ‘Let’s talk asset management’ Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin and Anita Edwards discuss the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s final rules for a new option to pay for investment research. [read post]
In Episode 4 of our podcast series ‘Let’s talk asset management’ Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin and Anita Edwards discuss the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s final rules for a new option to pay for investment research. [read post]
In this Regulation Tomorrow Plus podcast, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin and Anita Edwards discuss the obligations that firms have under UK REMIT to record and retain communications relating to their trading in wholesale energy products, in light of a large fine issued to a firm last month by Ofgem, the energy regulator, for breaches of those obligations. [read post]
In this latest Regulation Tomorrow Plus podcast (recorded on 2 November), Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin and Anita Edwards discuss HMT’s proposals and the next steps for firms. [read post]
In our latest Regulation Tomorrow Plus podcast, Jonathan Herbst, Hannah Meakin, Georgia Karamani and Anita Edwards discuss the FCA’s recent consultation, CP23/27, on reforming the UK’s commodity derivatives regulatory framework. [read post]