Search for: "Illinois Central R. Co. v. Illinois" Results 1 - 20 of 196
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16 Jul 2024, 4:06 pm by Jacob Fishman
We identify and explore how lawyers can use the traditional tools of our field (legislation, regulation, common law, constitutional provisions, and private law) to create positive visions for new ways of more equitably co-existing with nature and nonhuman living beings. [read post]
7 Sep 2022, 5:23 am by Eugene Volokh
The Full Faith and Credit and Due Process Clauses prohibit states from regulating out-of-state conduct unless the conduct involves a "significant contact" or "significant aggregation of contacts" with the state.[6] The Privileges and Immunities Clause prevents states from enacting certain types of laws that give a benefit to in-staters but not out-of-staters.[7] And of central relevance to this article, the Dormant Commerce Clause prevents states from enacting certain… [read post]
1 Jun 2022, 9:00 pm by Vikram David Amar
In 2020 I began work on a comprehensive law review article (now co-authored with Akhil Amar) that is due out any week in The Supreme Court Review. [read post]
21 Jan 2022, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
While it is traditionally tough to get Congress to police itself, Spanberger and her co-lead on the legislation, U.S. [read post]