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23 May 2019, 11:01 pm
The research aims in re-assuring the scope of the Board and its role in various business arenas. [read post]
7 Mar 2023, 2:57 pm
DENVER, CO, USA, March 6, 2023 / — EDRM Trusted Partner, Merlin Search Technologies Inc., a cloud technology company, developing AI-powered software for search, investigations, and discovery, today announced the launch of its “Cloud Utility Pricing Program. [read post]
18 Jun 2019, 6:42 am
Over the last 14 years that I have published this blog, I have compiled an annual review with a list of key Delaware corporate and commercial decisions that have widespread utility to practitioners, especially those court decisions that are not widely covered by other legal publications or the mainstream press. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 5:58 am
Approximately 60 percent of U.S. transportation-related GHG emissions are caused by light-duty vehicles (LDVs), which chiefly consist of gasoline-powered passenger cars and light-duty trucks, including sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and minivans. [read post]
1 Feb 2019, 10:51 am
Why public benefit corporations? [read post]
28 Jan 2021, 6:09 pm
In Borealis Power Holdings Inc. v. [read post]
24 Apr 2012, 7:04 am
Since the mid 1980s, the design professional community relied upon Florida Power & Light Company v. [read post]
29 Oct 2017, 7:40 pm
The more powerful impact will come from the reflections that occur in private, hopefully prompted by the CPDs provided by the law society. [read post]
31 Oct 2023, 9:05 pm
(“JJCI”), paid out some $3.6 billion in claims and recognized financial statement charges of $5.6 billion in just the seven quarters preceding its bankruptcy filing in 2021.[5] Fearing even higher costs in the future, J&J utilized a stratagem known as the Texas Two-Step. [read post]
10 Oct 2011, 4:00 am
We know this is powerful evidence because jurors have repeatedly told us so. [read post]
27 Oct 2008, 9:26 am
Do you think you're entitled to money or might be entitled to money from an estate or trust? [read post]
2 Sep 2011, 7:16 am
Well, in principle they're not the government. [read post]
5 Nov 2023, 9:13 am
After all, we're a much bigger country with more market power. [read post]
13 Jun 2014, 8:40 am
<> Barnes & Thornburg Environmental Alert - Barnes & Thornburg LLP has issued an Environmental Alert Re: EPA Proposed Rule on Petroleum Refinery Emissions issued on May 15, 2014 <> The Future of the Utility Industry and the Role of Energy Efficiency - This study estimates future electric sales under several scenarios, concluding that in the coming two decades sales will either be level, increase modestly or decrease modestly. [read post]
24 Aug 2020, 7:54 am
Law allowed regulation of monopolies like telephone and power utilities. [read post]
29 Apr 2019, 7:39 pm
Highlighting the TVA’s activities in generating and transmitting electric power as one of the nation’s largest power utilities, the Supreme Court ruled that the simple and unqualified statute allowing this government corporation to sue and be sued should be read liberally when the corporation is engaged in commercial rather than governmental conduct. [read post]
26 Jun 2024, 11:29 am
Stockholders Litigation In re Edgio, Inc. [read post]
6 Apr 2010, 6:01 am
For example, they may utilize some or all of the services offered by proxy advisory firms, including voting recommendation services, but rely on the institution’s internal corporate governance staff for final voting decisions on some or all ballot issues. [read post]
4 Nov 2021, 1:00 am
In this chapter, the author explores a new way to address the widening gulf between the power wielded by corporate IP owners, by re-orienting regulatory scrutiny of their activities as they grow in the public interest. [read post]
23 Oct 2008, 10:34 pm
News Release I am happy to re-publish the press release issued this morning by ThomsonReuters reporting on a new alliance we have struck. [read post]