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11 Jan 2017, 7:02 am
" Kevin Russell and Charles Davis have this post at "SCOTUSblog. [read post]
8 Mar 2016, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
  March 15, 2016 is the deadline to apply for the Hugh Davis Graham Award.Update: Links fixed! [read post]
30 Aug 2018, 8:03 am by Andrew Hamm
Federal Election Commission, by Charles Davis, Goldstein & Russell, P.C. [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 7:17 pm
Davis, Keesha Davis, Matthew T. [read post]
15 May 2018, 10:58 am by Dennis Crouch
Mischnick — Minneapolis, MN Smith, Gambrell & Russell LLP — Thomas  Wiseman — Washington, DC Smith, Gambrell & Russell LLP — Greg  Kirsch — Altanta , GA Southeaster IP Consulting LLP — John R. [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 3:06 am
Podgor (Stetson), Kevin L. [read post]
11 Jan 2017, 4:25 am by Edith Roberts
” In the second of a series of profiles of jurists said to be on Donald Trump’s shortlist of potential nominees for the vacant seat on the court, Kevin Russell and Charles Davis look at the record of William Pryor, a judge on the U.S. [read post]
15 Dec 2006, 8:21 pm
Rich, Debra Jane Robinson, Thomas Stephen Roche, Troy Derek Rogers, Tersa Marie Rumo, Katherine Burke Russell, Amy Elizabeth Scheffler, Timothy Francis Schroeder, Mark Steven Schwartz, Natasha Kathleen Serrage, David Leigh Shallow, Devlin Patrick Sherlock, Susan Lee Smart, Scott David Smith, Kevin John Stephens, Jeffrey E. [read post]
8 Feb 2007, 12:03 am
. Visit the IP Law Practice Center • SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED A Discovery Database Streamlines Your Defense Law Technology News When Russell Aoki, managing partner of Seattle's Aoki Sakamoto Grant, and his defense team took on the defense of Kevin Lawrence on a securities fraud claim, they faced processing about 2 million pages of potentially relevant documents in several cities along the West Coast. [read post]
16 Jul 2018, 3:28 am by Edith Roberts
” For this blog, Amy Howe has an overview of Kavanaugh’s record here, while closer looks at the judge’s record on campaign finance, and on a law-review article about presidential power, come from Charles Davis, here, and Kevin Russell, here. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Chanbonpin ProfChanbonpin John Marshall (Chicago) Anupam Chander AnupamChander UC Davis Guy-Uriel Charles ProfGuyCharles Duke Mary Cheh marycheh George Washington Jim Chen chenx064 Michigan State Miriam Cherry Prof_MCherry St. [read post]
23 May 2012, 5:52 am by Rob Robinson
Machine” - (Tom Fishburne) Charles Taylor, “Blood Diamonds” and the Role of ZyLAB and eDiscovery in War Crimes Prosecution – (Project Counsel) How to Form an Information Governance Committee – An Infographic – (Nicole Lindenbaum) Information Governance with StoredIQ – (Katey Wood) Predictive Coding - A Case Study – (Podcast) (Chris… [read post]
8 Oct 2010, 2:14 pm by Roshonda Scipio
[deng] yi.Gorman, Robert A., 1937-880-03 Beijing Shi : Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she, 2003.Civil ProcedureKF8839 .C455 2008Civil procedure stories / edited by Kevin M. [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am by Bridget Crawford
Chanbonpin ProfChanbonpin John Marshall (Chicago) Anupam Chander AnupamChander UC Davis Guy-Uriel Charles ProfGuyCharles Duke Mary Cheh marycheh George Washington Jim Chen chenx064 Michigan State Miriam Cherry Prof_MCherry St. [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 5:14 am by Rob Robinson (Michael Palumbo) Computer-Assisted Coding is Powerful Tool to Control Complex Case eDiscovery Costs - (Rob McFarlane, Russell Petersen) Conceptual Search verses Predictive Coding – (Bill Tolson) Corporate Emails Do Not Necessarily Comprise Corporate Business Records - (Alain Liebman) Court Allows Third Party Discovery Because Defendant is an “Unreliable Source”… [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
REALTY real estate 1 Roman T Brzozowski advertising 2 Roman T Brzozowski TvCityUSA Adv. 2 Tom Ripellino Metropolis Real Estate Broker/Owner 3 Charles Brown Chatre Appraisals Inc Real Estate Appraiser 1 Petar VIDEV A&I Broadway Realty Brokerage - Commercial / Investment Sales 3 Vlad Porter VB Porter & Company Real Estate Broker/Consultant 3 Kelvin Chan N/A Homebuyer 2 Enny Donaldson Fortune Property Foreclosure… [read post]