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4 Aug 2010, 9:21 am by Bridget Crawford
 Congratulations to Professor Lolita Buckner Inniss (Cleveland Marshall) who has been named Joseph C. [read post]
24 Apr 2021, 5:37 am by Bridget Crawford
Lolita Buckner Inniss (currently Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University Distinguished Professor, Robert G. [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 12:25 pm by Bridget Crawford
Lolita Buckner Inniss Named Hamilton College 2012-2013 Elihu Root Peace Fund Visiting Professor in Women’s StudiesLolita Buckner Inniss (Cleveland-Marshall) has been named as the 2012-2013 Elihu Root Peace Fund Visiting Professor in Women’s Studies at Hamilton College. [read post]
12 Apr 2017, 6:00 am by Karen Tani
More lateral hiring news: Lolita Buckner Inniss is reportedly leaving Cleveland-Marshall College of Law for Southern Methodist University.Cribbing here from her Cleveland-Marshall faculty bio, Buckner Inniss's "research addresses geographic, historic and visual norms of law, especially in the context of comparative constitutionalism, gender and race. [read post]
9 Jul 2007, 3:54 pm
Lolita Buckner Inniss has served on the faculty at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University since 1998. [read post]
8 Mar 2017, 2:36 pm by Bridget Crawford
In Fall 2017 Lolita Buckner Inniss will move from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University to SMU Dedman School of Law. [read post]
28 Apr 2010, 1:20 pm by Bridget Crawford
Lolita Buckner Inniss Cleveland, April 23, 2010 The writer is a professor at Cleveland Marshall College of Law. [read post]
22 Jan 2009, 11:46 am
Professor Lolita Buckner Inniss on the inauguration of President Obama. [read post]
13 May 2012, 3:58 pm by Bridget Crawford
Inniss on “Bridging the Great Divide”Lolita Buckner Inniss has published Bridging the Great Divide–A Response to Linda Greenhouse and Reva B. [read post]
3 May 2007, 1:57 pm
Lolita Buckner Inniss (Cleveland-Marshall) has posted A Domestic Right of Return? [read post]
6 Feb 2008, 5:42 pm
FeministLawProf Lolita Buckner Inniss (Cleveland State) asks that question at her blog, racelawinniss. [read post]
11 Sep 2007, 11:05 am
Read Feminist Law Prof Lolita Buckner Inniss’s post by this title at her blog: Comparative Racism and the Law–Canada/U.S. [read post]
31 Oct 2023, 10:20 am by Katharine Van Tassel
Lolita Buckner Inniss (University of Colorado), Abortion Law as Protection Narrative, 101 Or. [read post]
18 Sep 2023, 5:39 am by Jamie Abrams
Lolita Buckner Inniss has published Abortion Law as Protection Narrative in volume 101 of the Oregon Law Review (2023). [read post]
2 Feb 2023, 8:49 am
The Law Alumni Board and Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss are hosting a Meet the Dean get-together. [read post]
4 May 2016, 8:09 am by Bridget Crawford
  They are: Fern Fisher, Lolita Buckner Inniss, Mary Lu Bilek and Natalie Gomez-Velez. [read post]
18 Apr 2016, 6:14 am by Bridget Crawford
Lolita Buckner Inniss (Professor, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law) and Justice Fern Fisher (Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for New York City Courts). [read post]
16 Oct 2014, 1:00 pm by Karen Tani
Lolita Buckner Inniss (Cleveland State University - Cleveland-Marshall College of Law) has posted "Cherokee Freedmen and the Color of Belonging. [read post]