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18 Mar 2008, 12:27 pm
Millemann of Weintraub Genshlea Chediak in the firm's IP Law Blog State found liable for beating on UT campus - Tennessee lawyer John Day of Day & Blair in his blog, Day on Torts ESOPs and company stock matches to 401(k): the Bear Stearns lesson - Lancaster attorney Michael Moore of Russell Krafft & Gruber in the firm's Pennsylvania Employment Law Blog Government reply briefly field with Supreme Court in Murphy v. [read post]
30 Nov 2017, 4:00 am by Amy Salyzyn
Moving to the 1980s: it took empowering the courts with the Charter before bar entrance requirements banning non-citizens and bans on inter-provincial law firms were removed (Andrews v Law Society of British Columbia [1989] 1 SCR 143 and Black v Law Society of Alberta [1989] 1 SCR 591, respectively). [read post]
23 Oct 2019, 9:38 am by MBettman
Moore, 2016-Ohio-8288 (analysis here) about whether Moore’s application for delayed reconsideration should have been granted-one of the issues in that case. [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 1:38 pm by Jon L. Gelman
Part Fibre Toxicol 7(1):32, 2010.Wang LY, Mercer RR, Rojanasakul Y, Qiu AJ, Lu YJ, Scabilloni JF, Wu NQ, Castranova V. [read post]
29 May 2020, 4:00 am by Ken Chasse
[v] But, to contrary appearances, on February 27, 2020, the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) released its Priority Planning Committee’s Strategic Plan (LSO’s Treasurer (“President” in other provinces), Malcolm Mercer, being the Chair of the Committee). [read post]
23 Jan 2019, 4:00 am by Ken Chasse
LSO’s Treasurer, Malcolm Mercer, wrote this recent, revealing post: “What Is the Mandate of the Law Society? [read post]
13 Feb 2011, 8:19 am by admin
Moore Lincoln Boulevard, PO Box 249 Shawneetown, Illinois 62984-0249 Phone: 618/269-3140 Fax: 618/269-4324 Greene V. [read post]
13 Nov 2007, 7:03 am
Moore Avenue, Ritter Hall Annex 423 Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: (215) 204-3862; (800) 204-PIAT (Toll Free) TTY: (800) 750-PIAT (Toll Free in PA) E-mail: Web: Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (AFP) 102 Pickering Way, Suite 200 Exton, PA 19341 Phone: (484) 875-3066; (888) 744-1938 (Toll Free) TTY: (877) 693-7271 (Toll Free) Fax: (484) 875-0982 E-mail: Web: … [read post]