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3 Oct 2007, 1:43 am
Murray (by his litigation friends, Murray and another) v Express Newspapers plc and another [2007] EWHC 1908 (Ch D) “Routine activities conducted in a public place, such as walking down the street or visiting the shops, did not attract any reasonable expectation or guarantee of privacy so that an individual who had been photographed in a public place could not rely on the right to respect for his private and family life under art 8 of the European Convention for… [read post]
8 Feb 2024, 10:12 am by Alex Bradley
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Murray v. [read post]
25 Jan 2019, 12:27 pm by Daily Record Staff
Murray to one year’s imprisonment, with all but 90 days suspended, followed by 12 months of unsupervised probation. [read post]
23 Jan 2023, 11:20 am by Unreported Opinions
Read the opinion The post KIYA JAMAR AMAJIOYI v. [read post]
21 Jun 2021, 12:56 pm by Eve Ross
Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall later acknowledged [Pauli Murray’s first book, States’ Laws on Race and Color] as his ‘bible’ in the historic Brown v. [read post]
24 Jun 2010, 10:10 am by INFORRM
On 18 June 2010 Ms Justice Mary Irvine gave judgment in the Irish High Court in the case of Murray v. [read post]
4 Oct 2007, 2:48 am
Celebrities enjoy no extra right to privacy Murray v Express Newspapers plc and Another “Where an individual was engaged in innocuous, routine activity in a public place, such as a street, that activity attracted no right or expectation of privacy and, accordingly, there was no prohibition on the taking or publishing of photographs of famous people engaged in such activity in a public place unless there were special circumstances such as harassment or distress caused to… [read post]
28 Sep 2010, 8:26 am by WISCONSIN LAW JOURNAL STAFF
Civil Procedure Small claims; dismissal; motion to reopen Sandra Murray, pro se, brought this small-claims action against Russ Darrow Mazda claiming in her small-claims complaint that Darrow improperly "topped off critical [brake] fluid [, which] caused contamination of rubber" in, apparently, the brake "master cylinder. [read post]
30 Oct 2018, 12:44 pm by Daily Record Staff
Criminal procedure — Jury instruction — Allen charge At the conclusion of a six-day jury trial in the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, appellant, Eris Murray, was convicted of sexual abuse of a minor, second-degree sexual offense, and sodomy. [read post]
27 Feb 2025, 7:32 am by Unreported Opinions
Criminal procedure — Alcohol or drug dependency treatment — Clear error George Colin Murray (“Appellant”) filed a petition (“the Petition”) for commitment for drug or alcohol dependency treatment which was […] [read post]
22 Sep 2015, 1:47 am by umlaw
It played an important role in the breaking down of barriers to education at other University of Maryland Schools and helped Thurgood Marshall to develop the arguments that would come to the fore in the Brown v. [read post]
3 Jun 2019, 11:36 pm by INFORRM
In the case of Raynor v Murray ([2019] NSWDC 189) the District Court of NSW ordered Patricia Murray, a tenant of Manly residential flats known as “Watermark”, to pay damages of $120,000 to the chairman of the building’s strata committee for a defamatory email regarding an unlocked mailbox. [read post]