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23 Aug 2018, 11:53 am by Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran
In this episode, hosts Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran cover a recent GAO decision that... [read post]
In this episode, hosts Olivia Lynch, Rob Sneckenberg, and Christian Curran discuss impacts the coronavirus pandemic is having on procurements and bid protests. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Olivia Lynch, Rob Sneckenberg, and Christian Curran cover common questions and recent developments regarding debriefings. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Rob Sneckenberg, Olivia Lynch, and Christian Curran discuss the importance of the automatic Competition in Contracting Act stay triggered by the filing of a timely GAO bid protest, and considerations involved when an agency “overrides” the stay to obtain immediate performance. [read post]
23 Aug 2018, 11:53 am by Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran
In this episode, hosts Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran cover a recent GAO decision that could have significant implications for awardee protesters. [read post]
31 Jan 2022, 1:36 pm by Christian Curran and Olivia Lynch
In this episode, hosts Christian Curran and Olivia Lynch discuss a recent decision from GAO regarding the interplay between price reasonableness and price realism. [read post]
5 May 2021, 8:45 am by Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran
In this episode, hosts Christian Curran and Olivia Lynch discuss a recent Court of Federal Claims decision with interesting implications for awardee standing. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Christian Curran, Olivia Lynch, and Rob Sneckenberg highlight recent GAO decisions and an ongoing Court of Federal Claims case involving mid-procurement key personnel departures, as well as strategies for avoiding or, if need be, addressing this troublesome situation. [read post]
1 Jun 2021, 12:42 pm by Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran
In this episode, hosts Christian Curran and Olivia Lynch discuss a proposed DFARS rule for enhanced debriefings. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Rob Sneckenberg, Olivia Lynch, and Christian Curran discuss considerations and best practices when the Government inadvertently releases competition-sensitive information. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Olivia Lynch, Rob Sneckenberg, and Christian Curran discuss past performance issues and key cases from 2021. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Olivia Lynch and Christian Curran are joined by colleague Eric Ransom to discuss issues surrounding emergency sole source procurements, and a recent stay override decision from the Court of Federal Claims concerning a Federal Emergency Management Agency sole source contract for COVID-19 tests. [read post]
In this episode, hosts Rob Sneckenberg, Olivia Lynch, and Christian Curran highlight two developments that should provide contractors additional insight into agency procurement decisions: (1) the FY20 NDAA’s requirement for a “brief explanation” of task order awards below $5.5 million but above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold; and (2) GSA’s rollout of enhanced post-award feedback procedures known as IN-depth Feedback through Open… [read post]