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21 Oct 2015, 12:03 pm
C.C. told Woods that she loved him on a daily basis, and made plans for a future with Woods. [read post]
1 Jan 2016, 7:52 am by Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman
Additional Resources: Actor James Woods grateful to ‘lovely people in Glenwood‘, December 16, 2015, Post Independent More Blog Entries: Floyd-Tunnell v. [read post]
7 Feb 2018, 9:26 am by Venkat Balasubramani
Twitter in particular lends itself to a medium where people understand statements to include rhetoric and hyperbole. [read post]
22 Aug 2008, 2:50 pm
  The Court revisited the issue last year in Panetti v. [read post]
9 Dec 2021, 9:03 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
William Wood has published “The (Potential) Legal History of Indian Gaming” in the Arizona Law Review. [read post]
14 Aug 2015, 8:30 am by Afro Leo
Joining us will be none other than Aaron Wood (Swindell Pearson), the trade mark and design attorney responsible for Europe's most recent decision in Atelier v Kilnworx (Atelier Eighty Two Limited v Kilnworx Climbing Centre CIC & Others [2015] EWHC 2291 (IPEC)) involving a logo. [read post]
9 May 2007, 2:38 pm
On the merits, I initially agreed with the majority opinion by Justice Woods in this case. [read post]
7 Apr 2008, 2:03 pm
There are some holdings that seems so obviously correct that you wonder how the other side could possibly argue the contrary. [read post]
30 Dec 2013, 12:52 pm
 Why David Virgo decided to "shoot his way out" -- or, more accurately, fire shots indiscriminately into the woods -- and then give up is beyond me.Apart from the fact that he's probably seen too many movies. [read post]
11 Jan 2022, 7:42 am by Jeremy Telman
We also love her for providing an updated version of Wood v. [read post]