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16 Mar 2015, 9:15 pm by Walter Olson
I missed it at the time, but a couple of months back Roger Parloff had a write-up at Fortune on why the key Apple executive at the center of the case “says he’d ‘do it again’ – but ‘take better notes.'” Tags: antitrust, Apple, Department of Justice, publishersRoger Parloff on Apple’s e-books defense is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system [read post]
2 Jun 2011, 4:53 am by Ted Frank
The new Fortune magazine has coverage of the Lago Agrio scandal, and supplements it on the web with Roger Parloff's tale of the latest evidence of Ecuadorian corruption: a judicial opinion that quotes heavily not from any of the court filings, but from an internal plaintiffs' firm memo. [read post]
31 Jul 2012, 6:16 am by Ted Frank
In a July 30 story that quotes and appears to rely heavily on my 2008 article on cy pres, Roger Parloff discusses the use of cy pres in tech-company class action settlements, noting the pre-existing relationship between Google and Facebook... [read post]
22 Oct 2006, 6:30 am
Roger Parloff's new blog has a great entry on the latest Vioxx litigation developments; Parloff is the first reporter I've seen to note both that (1) "23,800" lawsuits really reflects 41,750 sets of plaintiffs; and (2) many of the lawsuits... [read post]
2 Feb 2007, 1:25 pm
Roger Parloff has a thorough post on Altria's recent victories in tobacco litigation (updating his November 2004 article on the appeals) and the threats Altria still faces as it tries to spin off Kraft. [read post]
24 Jan 2024, 7:16 am by Josh Blackman
Our candid message to you—the reader—is to approach such new, late-breaking entries in the debate with some caution.The post A Short Response to Roger Parloff and Others appeared first on [read post]
30 May 2009, 11:04 am
Roger Parloff's take, at Fortune.... [read post]
28 Dec 2006, 11:52 am
Roger Parloff has more details. [read post]
8 Jan 2010, 9:15 pm by Walter Olson
Roger Parloff in Fortune on "honest services" doctrine.... [read post]
5 Mar 2008, 4:42 pm
(Roger Parloff, Fortune "Legal Pad", Feb. 28). [read post]
14 Mar 2017, 9:35 am
"This Is How Neil Gorsuch Thinks": Roger Parloff has this post online today at New York Magazine. [read post]
9 Jan 2007, 8:28 am
Roger Parloff thinks history will look back on it as a turning point in the history of the GWB presidency, if not the Court (Jan. 8). [read post]
8 Mar 2007, 9:04 pm
Even some holders of large portfolios of software patents seem to be signaling that the answer may be yes, suggests Roger Parloff.... [read post]
17 Nov 2007, 11:51 pm
Roger Parloff rips into Judith Regan's 70-page complaint:When I first got out of law school and was clerking for a federal judge in Texas, I did see a few comparable pleadings, though those were usually filed "pro se" â€â [read post]
25 Aug 2008, 8:22 pm
" This is Roger Parloff we're talking about, so it's no off-the-cuff, winging-it update. [read post]
27 Feb 2007, 2:09 am
Roger Parloff at Legal Pad has a very funny e-mail exchange between a Boston law firm and a potential candidate for employment. [read post]
1 Nov 2006, 4:02 am
Roger Parloff's must-read blog reports an interesting conversation with Stanford law professor Joseph Grundfast on options backdating issues.... [read post]
23 May 2008, 10:03 pm
Roger Parloff notices a loose end still dangling in the story of the disgraced Mississippi lawyer's war against State Farm.... [read post]
17 Sep 2015, 7:50 am
"Apple will ask Supreme Court to hear its ebooks price-fixing case": Roger Parloff has this report at [read post]