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19 Apr 2017, 1:54 pm
.: Theresa Gabaldon analyzed yesterday’s argument in Kokesh v. [read post]
25 Jun 2008, 6:59 pm
I scanned the list and noticed a paucity of corporate law volunteers (shout outs to Theresa Gabaldon and Peter Henning!) [read post]
11 Jun 2017, 9:05 pm
[David Henderson, EconLib; Benjamin Parker, Weekly Standard; Stephen Bainbridge] Supreme Court, 9-0, rebuffs SEC: yes, disgorgement is a penalty and statute of limitations applies to it [Theresa Gabaldon/SCOTUSBlog (statutes of limitations “vital to the welfare of society,” per Sotomayor), Bainbridge and more, Thaya Brook Knight and Ilya Shapiro/Cato] Allan Meltzer, R.I.P. [read post]
18 Apr 2017, 4:29 am
Theresa Gabaldon previewed the case for this blog. [read post]
3 Apr 2009, 5:08 am
District Court for DC, Judge) Peter Wallison (American Enterprise Institute) Journalists Dennis Berman (Wall Street Journal) Floyd Norris (New York Times) Daniel Gross (Newsweek) Rob Cox (Breakingview) Jesse Eisenger (Condé Nast Portfolio) GW Law Larry Mitchell (Conference Chair) Michael Abramowicz Larry Cunningham Theresa Gabaldon Susan Karamanian Greg Maggs Art Wilmarth Co-Sponsors GW Student Corporate and Business Law… [read post]
5 Aug 2009, 7:00 am
The professors in the brief are: Stephen Bainbridge, Robert Bartlett, William Birdthistle, Timothy Canova, Lawrence Cunningham, James Fanto, Theresa Gabaldon, Lyman Johnson, Roberta Karmel, Donna Nagy, Lydie Pierre-Louis, Adam Pritchard, Margaret Sachs, Gordon Smith, and Kellye Testy. [read post]
18 Dec 2009, 1:31 pm
We are: Michael Abramowicz, Don Clarke, Larry Cunningham, Lisa Fairfax, Theresa Gabaldon, Scott Kieff, Jeff Manns, Dalia Mitchell, Larry Mitchell, and Art Wilmarth. [read post]
18 Dec 2009, 1:31 pm
We are: Michael Abramowicz, Don Clarke, Larry Cunningham, Lisa Fairfax, Theresa Gabaldon, Scott Kieff, Jeff Manns, Dalia Mitchell, Larry Mitchell, and Art Wilmarth. [read post]
3 Sep 2009, 9:07 pm
.: Law Professors (specifically, the professors are Barbara Aldave, myself, Barbara Black, Douglas Branson, Jim Cox, Steven Davidoff, Lisa Fairfax, Jim Fanto, Jesse Fried, Theresa Gabaldon, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Don Langevoort, David Millon, Larry Mitchell, Bud Murdock, Donna Nagy, Liz Nowicki, Alan Palmiter, Frank Partnoy, Margaret V. [read post]
28 Feb 2011, 5:53 pm
Adam Leviton (Georgetown), In Defense of Bailouts [George Geis (Virginia) & Art Wilmarth (GW)] Jodie Kirshner (Cambridge), A Transatlantic Perspective on Regional Dynamics and Societa Eurpoea [Francesca Bignami (GW) & Theresa Gabaldon (GW)] Alan White (Valparaiso), Welfare Economics and Regulation of Small-Loan Credit: Lessons from Microlending in Developing Nations [Michael Pagano (Villanova) & Lawrence Mitchell (GW)] Nicola Sharpe (Illinois), Corporate Board… [read post]
12 May 2010, 2:02 pm
Panel One, 9:45, on Pay as a Risk Factor, moderated by Michael Farber (Davis Polk & Wardwell), with contributions from Lisa Fairfax, Theresa Gabaldon and Lawrence Cunningham (all of GWU Law) and Ed Labaton (Labaton & Sucharow). [read post]
18 Dec 2009, 10:12 am
We are: Michael Abramowicz, Don Clarke, Larry Cunningham, Lisa Fairfax, Theresa Gabaldon, Scott Kieff, Jeff Manns, Dalia Mitchell, Larry Mitchell, and Art Wilmarth. [read post]
6 Aug 2009, 10:14 am
The brief argues instead that the PCAOB is an independent regulatory entity subject to oversight and enforcement by the SEC, another independent regulatory entity, and that this double-decker independence stretches the Constitution's text and precedents too far.Amici curiae: Stephen Bainbridge, Robert Bartlett, William Birdthistle, Timothy Canova, Lawrence Cunningham, James Fanto, Theresa Gabaldon, Lyman Johnson, Roberta Karmel, Donna Nagy, Lydie Pierre-Louis, Adam Pritchard,… [read post]
1 Aug 2017, 9:30 pm
George Washington University Law School Professor Theresa Gabaldon has stated that the Court’s decision in Kokesh may even “logically demand…that disgorgement be characterized as a civil monetary penalty” and therefore be subject to still further limits contained in the law. [read post]
22 Nov 2017, 9:32 am
The PPT f my own presentation will follow in another post.International Symposium on The Corporation in a Changing World Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Law SUFE Law School Commercial Law Center October 21st – 22nd, 2017 Conference Agenda Day One: Oct 21st (Saturday) Opening Ceremony Moderator: Xiaoyan Song, Professor & Acting Vice Dean, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Law Speakers:Shaohua Zheng, Professor & Assistant to the President,… [read post]
30 Oct 2009, 5:00 am
Prawfs who were amici of the petitioner included (Glommers or Masters in bold): Barbara Aldave, William Birdthistle, Barbara Black, Douglas Branson, Jim Cox, Steven Davidoff, Lisa Fairfax, Jim Fanto, Jesse Fried, Theresa Gabaldon, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Don Langevoort, David Millon, Larry Mitchell, Bud Murdock, Donna Nagy, Liz Nowicki, Alan Palmiter, Frank Partnoy, Margaret V. [read post]
28 Nov 2017, 4:10 am
Theresa Gabaldon had this blog’s argument preview. [read post]
3 Apr 2019, 3:40 am
” At The George Washington Law Review’s On the Docket blog, Theresa Gabaldon discusses the recent decision in Lorenzo v. [read post]
30 Nov 2017, 4:17 am
Theresa Gabaldon analyzes the argument for this blog. [read post]
7 Jun 2017, 4:26 am
Theresa Gabaldon analyzes the opinion for this blog. [read post]