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17 May 2021, 7:56 am by Adam Steinman
Justice Kavanaugh’s majority opinion, joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett, begins: Last Term in Ramos v. [read post]
28 Apr 2020, 3:30 pm by Comunicaciones_MJ
Dos años después, el TSEU negó efecto retroactivo a las determinaciones de U.S. v. [read post]
10 Aug 2015, 3:28 am by Peter Mahler
Ramos in Goldstein v Pikus, 2015 NY Slip Op 31455(U) [Sup Ct NY County July 20, 2015], dismissing a petition for judicial dissolution of a New York limited liability company. [read post]
20 May 2021, 7:01 am by Christopher Tyner
  Confronting the question in a habeas case of whether the holding in Ramos v. [read post]
21 Apr 2014, 2:48 am by Peter Mahler
Ramos, in Serota v Scimone, 2014 NY Slip Op 30924(U) [Sup Ct, NY County Apr. 8, 2014], where it’s the second wife who prevails over the sons of her deceased husband’s first marriage by means of a different kind of dead-hand control mechanism involving a blanket delegation of LLC management authority to an outside contractor allied with the second wife and her son from her own prior marriage. [read post]
29 Jul 2013, 11:10 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
Y Otros, Martha Marrero De Ramos, Apelante Hoy resolvemos por primera vez, desde la incorporación de New York Times Co. v. [read post]
1 Mar 2024, 6:12 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
The doctrine of res judicata applies to preclude plaintiff’s claims asserted in the third action, as those claims arise out of the same transaction or series of transactions that were brought to a final conclusion in the first action by plaintiff against, among others, defendant Allan Houston (Rondeau v Houston, 2013 NY Slip Op 33363[U] [Sup Ct, NY County 2013], affd 118 AD3d 638 [1st Dept 2014], lv dismissed 24 NY3d 999 [2015]; see In re… [read post]
3 Apr 2017, 3:32 am by Peter Mahler
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Handelsman v Bedford Village Associates, L.P., applied Carden‘s logic to LLCs, holding that they too have the same citizenship as all their members. [read post]
26 Feb 2017, 5:50 am by Embajador Microjuris al Día
Por Efrén Rivera Ramos Permítanme unirme muy respetuosamente al saludo protocolar, extendiéndoles a todas las personas presentes mi saludo más afectuoso. [read post]
21 Nov 2016, 3:20 am by Peter Mahler
Huang v Northern Star Management LLC, 2016 NY Slip Op 32194(U) [Sup Ct NY County Oct. 24, 2016]. [read post]
9 May 2023, 5:12 am by The Law Office of Philip D. Cave
Military lawyers know that since the Supreme Court decided Ramos v. [read post]