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11 Jul 2009, 2:39 am
The Download of the Week is System Effects and the Constitution by Adrian Vermeule. [read post]
6 Jul 2022, 6:30 am
For the Balkinization symposium on Adrian Vermeule, Common Good Constitutionalism (Polity Press 2022). [read post]
14 Mar 2011, 5:37 pm
(Kenneth Anderson) At some point soon I will take up directly Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule’s new book, The Executive Unbound, but in the meantime let me flag Harvey Mansfield’s polite but skeptical review in the New York Times Book Review. [read post]
6 Jul 2011, 8:38 pm
In addition to more deeply engaging his ongoing debate with Bruce Ackerman, the updated paper also responds to an intervention in the debate from Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule. [read post]
22 Oct 2021, 11:34 am
American Affairs published Adrian Vermeule’s integralist critique of Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed, and First Things published Gladden Pappin’s review of Helen Rosenblatt’s The Lost History of Liberalism, as well as Fr. [read post]
28 Dec 2007, 4:38 pm
Jody Freeman (Harvard Law School) and Adrian Vermeule (Harvard Law School) have posted “Massachusetts v. [read post]
7 Feb 2021, 9:05 pm
Satire turns out to be the muse for Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, the authors of Law and Leviathan, even though they deal with a very serious subject in the book: the structure of modern government. [read post]
13 Apr 2020, 9:00 pm
Yet neither President Trump nor his ideological allies on the Court or elsewhere have openly articulated an authoritarian governing philosophy.All that changed with the March 31 publication of Harvard Law Professor Adrian Vermeule’s essay “Beyond Originalism. [read post]
8 Jan 2021, 10:30 am
As Adrian Vermeule quipped on Twitter, “People who’ve watched the absurd ‘Latinx’ be normalized and propagated, in real time, by multiple elite institutions are shocked by ‘Awomen. [read post]
12 Aug 2022, 3:08 pm
The Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy and the Harvard Law School Federalist Society have announced a symposium to be held on October 29, 2022: It’s a symposium on Adrian Vermeule’s book, which certainly has female readers …. [read post]
30 Dec 2022, 5:11 am
., has posted an essay called "Constitutional Thomism: A Modest Proposal", which -- among other things -- engages Adrian Vermeule's Common Good Constitutionalism project. [read post]
21 Aug 2007, 7:59 am
Adrian Vermeule and I are defending our book, Terror in the Balance, in an online symposium over at Opinio Juris. [read post]
11 Nov 2006, 6:20 am
by Adrian Vermeule. [read post]
18 Oct 2017, 3:21 pm
The problem is the relentless aggression of liberalism, driven by an internal mechanism that causes ever more radical demands for political conformism, particularly targeting the Church. [read post]
23 Jul 2011, 4:46 am
" So what is Posner and Vermeule's authority for such a duty? [read post]
16 Aug 2022, 4:23 am
With admirable speed, Adrian Vermeule has already posted a somewhat extensive response to our review of his book Common Good Constitutionalism, calling us "The Bourbons of Jurisprudence" in a blog post at Ius et Iustitium. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 11:00 am
Adrian Vermeule and Adriaan Lanni, Harvard Law School, have posted Precautionary Constitutionalism in Ancient Athens, which is forthcoming in the Cardozo Law Review. [read post]
24 Aug 2007, 7:01 am
It’s an article by Professor Adrian Vermeule, published in the Stanford Law Review and it discusses the potential value of having “lay Justices” on the Supreme Court. [read post]
27 Nov 2023, 7:47 pm
Vermeule, Adrian, The Rule of Law Without Separation of Powers: Legality in the Classical Tradition (September 28, 2023). [read post]
22 Mar 2022, 12:26 pm
It joins a number of other useful recent doctrinal pieces by Sunstein, including: a paper in the Administrative Law Review on major questions doctrine (19 pages); a coauthored piece with Adrian Vermeule, in the Georgetown Law Journal, on presidential authority over independent agencies (27 pages including abstract and contents); an essay on Chevron in the Ohio State Law Journal (19 pages--it seems to be his sweet spot); another piece on Chevron, coauthored with... [read post]