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20 Nov 2015, 1:32 pm by Wystan Ackerman
On a related note, if you are interested in a program on strategies for the use of absent class member discovery in defending class actions, my fellow class action blogger Andrew Trask and I are doing a webinar for Stafford on that subject on December 2. [read post]
20 Nov 2015, 1:32 pm by Wystan Ackerman
On a related note, if you are interested in a program on strategies for the use of absent class member discovery in defending class actions, my fellow class action blogger Andrew Trask and I are doing a webinar for Stafford on that subject on December 2. [read post]
20 Nov 2015, 1:32 pm by Wystan Ackerman
On a related note, if you are interested in a program on strategies for the use of absent class member discovery in defending class actions, my fellow class action blogger Andrew Trask and I are doing a webinar for Stafford on that subject on December 2. [read post]
20 Mar 2012, 8:25 am by Wystan M. Ackerman
  Andrew Trask, who pens the Class Action Countermeasures blog, has a great blog post summarizing the facts and holding of McNair and providing his analysis. [read post]
20 Apr 2012, 5:02 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Senate Will Debate Resolution to Block National Labor Relations Board’s “Quickie” Election Rule – New York lawyer Seth Borden of McKenna Long & Aldridge on the firm’s blog, Labor Relations Today First Small Physician Practice Joins The Parade of HIPAA PHI Security Breaches – Pittsburgh attorney William Maruca of Fox Rothschild on the firm’s blog, HIPAA, HITECH & HIT US Supreme Court Finds that Mental and Emotional Distress are not… [read post]
26 Oct 2011, 9:15 am by Mike Scarcella
CEI’s attorneys, Anand Ramana and Andrew Trask of McGuireWoods’ office in Washington, said “relaxing the demanding standards of Rule 23 in order to accomplish settlements is a constant temptation for courts. [read post]
17 Oct 2012, 10:07 pm by Paul Karlsgodt
Merrill Lynch, Linda Friedman of Stowell & Friedman, and class action defense lawyer Andrew Trask of McGuireWoods, both agreed that an important lesson to be learned from both the Merrill Lynch case and the recent denial of the motion to dismiss in the smaller Walmart case which is back pending in the Northern District of California, is that no ruling in the class certification context is ever truly permanent. [read post]
27 Sep 2012, 1:33 am by Kevin LaCroix
(Trask may be familiar to readers of this blog as the author of the Class Action Countermeasures blog.) [read post]
21 Feb 2017, 8:26 am by Eric Goldman
In 2011, one of their attorneys, Andrew Trask, blogged at the McGuireWoods-operated “Class Action Countermeasures” blog about a case in which the law firm Bock & Hatch represented the class-action plaintiffs. [read post]
3 Mar 2012, 5:31 am by admin
Experienced practitioners Brian Anderson and Andrew Trask analyze what decisions the plaintiff and defendant must make at each stage of a proposed class action, and the considerations that might drive different strategies at each stage. [read post]
4 Nov 2010, 8:51 am by Russell Jackson
  He even cites fellow blogger Andrew Trask's new book when acknowledging that one rarely-admitted purpose of discovery is to make the opponent spend money. [read post]
16 Oct 2010, 5:55 am by Russell Jackson
I owe acknowledgements to Andrew Trask at Classactioncountermeasures and my friends at the Washington Legal Foundation, who alerted me to this opinion. [read post]
17 Dec 2010, 10:58 am
(And congratulations to Brian Anderson and Andrew Trask, whose Class Action Playbook was cited by Judge Posner.) [read post]
14 Jan 2012, 10:07 am by Paul Karlsgodt
  If I were looking for outside counsel in a class action, among the first lawyers I would consider would be my fellow Biglaw bloggers Andrew Trask and Russell Jackson, as well as Herrmann’s former blogging partner, Jim Beck. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 12:06 pm by Raj Chohan
Dukes Andrew Trask, class action attorney at McGuire Woods and co-author of the Class Action Playbook recently put together a list of takeaways explaining how class action defense attorneys can use Wal-mart v. [read post]
3 Nov 2011, 9:12 am by Wystan M. Ackerman
 (For a thorough recent update on that case law, see the recent post on Andrew Trask’s Class Action Countermeasures Blog, and also the post about a recent California Court of Appeal decision on the Class Action Defense Strategy Blog). [read post]
2 Dec 2010, 5:12 am by Russell Jackson
 In the spirit of the Blawg 100, here are some other bloggers who really do it right in our field, and whom I think you should be reading daily (if you aren't already): Andrew Trask at Class Action Countermeasures -- He eschews "newsiness" for insightful analysis of more fundamental issues. [read post]