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21 Aug 2009, 8:50 am
No weapon was ever found, no physical evidence linked Davis to the killing, seven of the nine witnesses against Davis have recanted and several witnesses have fingered instead the prosecution's chief witness.The push for a new trial for Davis has won the backing of a long list of impressive supporters, including former President Jimmy Carter, Pope Benedict, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former Republican congressman Bob Barr, himself once a federal prosecutor, and William… [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 7:01 am by Conor McEvily
In USA Today, former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and former Congressman Bob Barr have an op-ed on Demiraj v. [read post]
3 Mar 2011, 8:24 am by Dennis Crouch
" Presenters include Sharon Barner, Robert Merges, and Robert Barr to name a few. [read post]
27 Oct 2008, 4:36 pm
Bob Barr, a strong supporter of the death penalty, Pope Benedict XVI and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. [read post]
14 Jul 2024, 9:05 pm by Series of Essays
The Court Reaffirms that Agencies Cannot Rewrite Laws July 24, 2024 | Bob Barr, Former U.S. [read post]
21 Sep 2011, 11:59 am by Steve Hall
” Former Republican Congressman Bob Barr has written, "Ruling to execute Troy Davis violates core principles," at CNN. [read post]
26 Jul 2010, 3:54 pm by Deepak Gupta
And Bob Lawless talks about Warren as someone whose thinking is grounded in facts and pragmatism, not ideology. [read post]
12 Feb 2020, 4:01 am by SHG
Even Bob Mueller lied to Congress! [read post]
20 Sep 2011, 8:53 am by Will Matthews, ACLU
One of those million is Bob Barr, the former prosecutor, Georgia Attorney General, and congressional Representative who nicely articulated the Parole Board's dilemma. [read post]
22 Sep 2011, 7:58 am by Tanya Greene, ACLU
Former President Jimmy Carter, Pope Bendict XVI, former FBI Director William Sessions, former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher, Larry Thompson, former deputy US Attorney and Bob Barr, former US Attorney and Congressman, most of them staunch supporters of capital punishment, all called for state's parole board to grant clemency in this case. [read post]
1 Jun 2009, 6:59 am
The Right to Repair Act, recently proposed in the House of Representative and now notably supported by Bob Barr and Ralph Nader, purports to solve this problem in a number of ways. [read post]
2 Feb 2009, 1:02 pm
The public, which supported the ban in 1993, now strongly opposes it, and many of the original proponents of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, including Colin Powell, Bob Barr, and Sam Nunn, have called for it to be reconsidered. [read post]
26 Jul 2011, 9:14 am by Elie Mystal
Plus, if you had a black daughter —OBAMA I have two.BARTLET — who was 17 and pregnant and unmarried and the father was a teenager hoping to launch a rap career with “Thug Life” inked across his chest, you’d come in fifth behind Bob Barr, Ralph Nader and a ficus.OBAMA You’re not cheering me up.It’s one thing to ask people to treat little girls equally. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 8:30 am by Danielle Citron
”  And as we have seen, much to the chagrin of serious Republican contender Ron Paul, the Missouri Information Analysis Center’s 2009 report to highway patrolmen explained that “violent extremists” typically associate with third party candidates, such as Ron Paul and Bob Barr, and that “potential threats” included anti-immigration and anti-tax advocates. [read post]
22 Feb 2009, 2:55 pm
Resources Psalm 91, Old Testament (in its entirety) A Path Through Suffering, Elisabeth Elliot Fresh Start Divorce Recovery Workbook, Bob Burns and Tom Whiteman Life After Divorce, Dr Jim Talley Single Again Handbook Single, Married, Separated & Life After Divorce, DR Myles Munroe To Walk and Not Grow Weary, Fran Sciacca When the Vow Breaks, Joseph Kniskern When Your Son or Daughter is Going Through a Divorce, Dr Thomas Whiteman & Debbie Barr Kristine M. [read post]
23 Sep 2008, 3:22 pm
Former President Carter, former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr and Pope Benedict XVI, among others, have called on the state parole board to reduce Davis' sentence to life in prison. [read post]
15 Feb 2011, 9:57 am by Kashmir Hill
(It would be awesome if Bob Quackenboss were an evil mastermind, ‘cuz that’s a great villain name.)Salon’s Greenwald has posted a screenshot of partner John Wood’s firm bio and is calling for his head. [read post]