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24 Apr 2009, 2:45 pm
Here is a Lawrence Journal-World article reporting that Charles Whitman won an acquittal in State v. [read post]
24 Feb 2009, 9:10 am
For publication opinions today (3): In Charles Dwayne Gilliam v. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 12:19 pm
Oral Argument in case# 11-3055; Central States South v. [read post]
9 May 2014, 6:49 pm by Ruthann Robson
Professor Ruthann Robson, City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law In an opinion issued late today in Wright v. [read post]
14 May 2014, 4:34 am by Timothy P. Flynn
 Circuit Judge Christopher Charles Piazza's 13-page opinion in Wright v Arkansas held that the state law ban, arising from a voter-approved constitutional amendment back in 2004, was:an unconstitutional attempt to narrow the definition of equality. [read post]
5 Dec 2011, 2:20 pm by JT
Wen Zong Yu v Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., 2011 NY Slip Op 21420 (App. [read post]
27 Jun 2019, 4:00 am by Thomas Merrill
Merrill is the Charles Evans Hughes Professor at Columbia Law School. [read post]
17 Apr 2015, 2:37 pm by Daily Record Staff
This matter comes to us on appeal from the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, where appellant Samuel Cooper was indicted on charges stemming from the shooting of Charles Williams in August 2012. [read post]
21 May 2009, 1:02 am
The court of appeals tethers this holding to Klapesky v. [read post]
9 Dec 2011, 12:28 pm by Donna Eng
For those of you who were not able to take the time to listen to the live oral argument in the Florida Supreme Court in State v. [read post]
30 Jul 2016, 1:35 pm by Injury at Sea
The male was identified as Charles Richards, 28, of Seattle. [read post]