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11 Oct 2017, 4:09 am
[Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel to the respondents in this case.] [read post]
16 Apr 2010, 2:59 pm
On this point she cites the Tom Goldstein HuffPo piece I dissected here. [read post]
28 Jun 2013, 8:08 am
Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys work for or contribute to this blog in various capacities, represented the American Association of Law Schools as an amicus in Fisher v. [read post]
22 May 2018, 4:31 am
” In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Eric Tirschwell explains why the decision is “bad news for the gun lobby. [read post]
12 Oct 2017, 6:26 am
[Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel to the respondents in this case. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 6:51 am
In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Erwin Chemerinsky and Eric J. [read post]
2 Nov 2007, 5:48 am
(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York) [read post]
15 Jan 2007, 4:50 pm
(By way of full disclosure: Tom Goldstein of Akin, Gump also worked on the Respondents' brief as advocacy counsel). [read post]
22 Feb 2012, 6:45 am
Briefly: Eric Morath at the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) and the Associated Press report that police inNevis have arrested a suspect in the armed robbery of Justice Breyer. [read post]
29 Jan 2014, 8:17 am
William Messenger, Mark Perry, Kevin Russell, and Eric Schnapper round out the group of advocates who have argued at least twice during the Term. [read post]
4 Sep 2020, 7:11 am
Other private attorneys on this list include some of the most prolific members of the Supreme Court bar: Seth Waxman, Jeff Fisher, Tom Goldstein and current 9th Circuit Judge Eric Miller. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
On Tuesday, August 19, 2008, is sponsoring a Manhattan real-estate networking event at The Madison & Gypsy Tea (27 West 24th Street). [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 4:07 am
Jason recently left a large Kansas City law firm, along with partners Eric Buresh and Adam Seitz, to start Erise IP with a team of attorneys from their prior firm. [read post]
16 Jan 2014, 7:21 am
Thanks to Conor McEvily and Eric White for compiling and drafting this update. [read post]
4 Mar 2009, 6:37 pm
Tritek Telecom v. [read post]
13 Sep 2018, 1:01 pm
Along with the OSG attorneys, including veterans Edwin Kneedler and Michael Dreeben, three other elite Supreme Court attorneys make the list – Jeff Fisher, Paul Clement and Tom Goldstein. [read post]
28 Nov 2012, 4:44 am
.: Facebook, Twitter and Gmail - (Michael Kaplan) Blogger’s Fair-Use Argument Regarding Copyrighted Photo Questionable - (Eric Johnson) Discovery in Trucking Cases - E-ZPass and PrePass - (Morgan Adams) Employer Best Practices For Social Media Use On And Off The Job - (Daniel Ornstein) European Commission Establishes European Cloud Partnership Steering… [read post]
22 Aug 2023, 11:12 am
Stein, 347 U.S. 201 (1954) and Goldstein v. [read post]
31 May 2018, 11:13 am
Ohio’s solicitor general, Eric Murphy, argued four cases. [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 8:21 am
Thanks to Eric White for compiling and drafting this update. [read post]