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8 May 2013, 9:01 am
Glenn Cohen [read post]
13 Feb 2017, 4:00 am
Glenn Cohen, Elizabeth Sepper, eds. [read post]
12 Oct 2021, 6:30 am
Glenn Cohen, Deputy Dean and James A. [read post]
3 Jun 2013, 8:17 pm
Glenn Cohen [read post]
3 Mar 2016, 9:59 pm
In a recent book, Identified versus Statistical Lives: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, a chapter on identified lives and statistical lives in US civil litigation by Professor Glenn Cohen argues that doctrines such as standing and ripeness in US procedural law have excluded statistical lives from the litigation space. [read post]
27 May 2018, 9:17 am
The 1984-1986 MIT Logarhythms are: Dave Anderson, Chris Andrews [R.I.P.], Graham Bilter, Brian Carty, Glenn Case, Hal Cohen, Deep Damle, Claudio Goldbarg, Dan Harasty, Rob Lenoil, Ken Malsky, Mike Mendyke, Scott Ramsay, Chris Reed, David Saslav, Doug Smith, Al Tervalon, and Lawrence Waugh. [read post]
20 May 2013, 6:52 am
Glenn Cohen [read post]
4 Sep 2018, 12:52 pm
Glenn Cohen ’03 served as the keynote speaker, and reminded us all that we belong at Harvard Law. [read post]
13 Feb 2014, 5:00 am
Cohen estimated. [read post]
5 Jun 2008, 4:44 pm
Cohen's Conclusion? [read post]
4 Apr 2022, 12:10 pm
I am indebted to Professors Rodolphe Barrangou, Naomi Cahn, Dana Carroll, Glenn Cohen, John Conley, Katherine Drabiak, Michele Bratcher Goodwin, Fred Gould, Henry Greely, Gary Marchant, Kevin Outterson, Christopher Robertson, Jacob Sherkow, Sonia Suter, and Allison Whelan for reading the book and contributing their thoughtful insights—during the live event, in print, or both. [read post]
21 May 2019, 6:12 am
Glenn Cohen ‘03 I think the best place for a fun drink/dinner is Yvonne’s near Downtown Crossing. [read post]
19 Aug 2022, 9:05 pm
Glenn Cohen and Mason Marks of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School explore the ways in which U.S. patent law may be facilitating the issuance of psychedelic patents that do not meet regulatory requirements. [read post]
16 Aug 2017, 7:45 am
Glenn Cohen of Harvard Law School and Holly Fernandez Lynch of the University of Pennsylvania. [read post]
15 Jan 2009, 11:33 am
Cohen, 325 F.3d 1035, 1047 (9th Cir. 2003). [read post]
22 Aug 2022, 4:30 am
Glenn Cohen, and Ben Sachs. [read post]
25 May 2019, 11:10 pm
For starters, Glenn Cohen’s text is available as a source and a model. [read post]
30 Apr 2014, 12:25 pm
According to I. [read post]
16 May 2023, 5:14 am
Glenn Cohen It is estimated that roughly one in five hundred U.S. women suffer from Uterine Factor Infertility — they were born without a uterus, they lost their uterus, or their uterus no longer functions. [read post]
2 Sep 2011, 11:40 am
Her ads include the headline, "I lost 14½ Inches With The Zerona Laser! [read post]