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3 Dec 2021, 9:49 am
It’s important to remember that these rules apply to companies with a market cap of $90.7 billion, meaning Alphabet (Google), Meta (Facebook), Amazon, Apple, and a few others like Alibaba and [read post]
3 Dec 2021, 9:49 am
It’s important to remember that these rules apply to companies with a market cap of $90.7 billion, meaning Alphabet (Google), Meta (Facebook), Amazon, Apple, and a few others like Alibaba and [read post]
1 Dec 2021, 3:55 pm
Google, LLC, 925 F.3d 1263, 1267 (D.C. [read post]
29 Nov 2021, 8:43 am
Also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts Make It Last with Victor Medina is hosted by Victor J. [read post]
11 Nov 2021, 11:21 am
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website, or a third-party site that collects the public patent information, like Google Patents. [read post]
2 Nov 2021, 8:47 am
(proper but inconvenient forum); 22-104 In re: Google LLC (W.D. [read post]
29 Oct 2021, 1:20 pm
» Immerhin wird Google reCAPTCHA in der Datenschutzerklärung ausdrücklich erwähnt, wenn auch ohne Hinweis auf den Daten-Export in die USA: «Google reCaptcha: Unter dem Namen reCaptcha betreibt Google LLC Dienste, welche automatisierte Handlungen auf Webseiten erkennen und verhindern können. [read post]
22 Oct 2021, 10:18 am
L2MT is a member of the Avanci LLC patent pool. [read post]
13 Oct 2021, 9:08 am
HOVENSA LLC, 73 F.Supp.3d 588, 616. [read post]
13 Oct 2021, 9:08 am
HOVENSA LLC, 73 F.Supp.3d 588, 616. [read post]
6 Oct 2021, 9:19 am
Google LLC based on the defendant’s—Google LLC’s—servers being located in the district, even though Google did not own the particular datacenters where the servers were located. [read post]
4 Oct 2021, 11:59 am
Google LLC, 884 F.3d 1160, 1169-1170 (Fed. [read post]
1 Oct 2021, 8:47 am
We’re simply passing more of those savings to our customers. [read post]
1 Oct 2021, 8:47 am
We’re simply passing more of those savings to our customers. [read post]
22 Sep 2021, 8:08 am
Chrysler Group, LLC, Case No. 13-cv-04236-BLF (N.D. [read post]
18 Sep 2021, 12:36 pm
Google and Amazon We’re Still Unsure If Instagram Grants Users a Sublicense to Embed Photos Another Court Says Embedding Instagram Photos May Be Fair Use–Boesen v. [read post]
3 Sep 2021, 4:00 am
National/Federal Are Censures of Politicians a Form of Free Speech or a Threat to It? [read post]
26 Aug 2021, 1:05 pm
In re Cruciferous Sprout Litig., 301 F.3d 1343, 1347–48 (Fed. [read post]
17 Aug 2021, 9:08 am
McNeil Consultants, LLC, 2021 WL 3508713 (5th Cir. [read post]
14 Aug 2021, 12:44 pm
Cir. 2004); In re Google Tech. [read post]