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25 Jun 2010, 6:09 am
Daniel Sokol Antitrust: North Carolina Senior Statesmen John F Graybeal(Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein LLP) George L Little Jr(Kilpatrick Stockton LLP) John M Murchison(K&L Gates) Band 1 Everett J Bowman(Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson PA) W Andrew Copenhaver(Womble... [read post]
16 Nov 2010, 10:58 am
Davis (both partners at K&L Gates, Dallas) have published Tax-Exempt Credit Counseling Organizations and the Future of Debt-Settlement Services, 14 Tex. [read post]
29 Aug 2007, 10:34 am
By K&L Gates Qualcomm Inc. v. [read post]
11 Aug 2010, 9:37 am
Barrette, & Wadih El-Riachi, K&L Gates, Dubai This article was originally published in Arab Law Quarterly. [read post]
8 Jul 2011, 2:11 pm
Smith, K&L Gates, Washington DC Government shutdowns, while very uncommon, are no longer a completely unknown beast to government contractors (or at least the threats of them are not). [read post]
1 Aug 2007, 1:52 pm
By K&L Gates Doe v. [read post]
8 Jan 2010, 1:46 pm
Plus: moves to Greenberg Traurig, Hinshaw & Culbertson, Jones Day, K&L Gates, Loeb & Loeb, Milbank, Prince Lobel Glovsky & Tye, Sedgwick, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, and Zuckerman Spaeder. [read post]
19 Apr 2007, 10:56 am
By K&L Gates attorneys Thomas J. [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 10:09 am
By: Julie Anne Halter, K&L Gates, Seattle This article appeared in the Puget Sound Business Journal the week of December 10-16. [read post]
28 Aug 2012, 12:51 pm
Leavitt, K&L Gates, Chicago I. [read post]
10 Jul 2009, 3:20 pm
Dewey & LeBoeuf adds four, but loses two to McKool Smith; K&L Gates picks up three in Paris; McGuireWoods brings four to its London office; and Sonnenschein loses three to Morgan Lewis, but adds four. [read post]
14 Jul 2009, 2:56 pm
Winston & Strawn steals three from Hunton & Williams, Reed Smith brings in two, DLA Piper loses two to K&L Gates, and Hogan & Hartson is officially open for business in Hong Kong. [read post]
17 Apr 2007, 5:08 pm
K&L Gates partner Todd Reuter penned the following article on document retention for the March 2007 issue of Spokane Business Catalyst magazine:"Developments in communications technologies promised to free us from the printed word, but the paperless office never materialized. [read post]
22 Dec 2008, 10:36 pm
A team from K&L Gates and Day Pitney filed its final paperwork today in defense of World Wrestling Entertainment's practice of treating its wrestlers as independent contractors, not employees -- a move that gets the WWE out of paying for health benefits, travel, and other costs. [read post]
3 Dec 2015, 9:18 am
At K&L Gates, we embrace our core values. [read post]
2 Mar 2010, 2:57 pm
DLA Piper grows its Silicon Alley practice and also teams up with a Brazilian firm; K&L Gates has a new cochair for its South Asia initiative. [read post]
17 Feb 2009, 9:27 am
Posted by Alan Childress Paul Koning of the Dallas office of K&L Gates passes along this ABA announcement and link.The ABA Litigation Section's Professional Liability Litigation Committee is proud to announce the launch of its 50 State Survey of Legal... [read post]
16 Apr 2007, 6:13 pm
K&L Gates partner Helen Bergman Moure presented at this recent event, offering valuable insight into the current state of e-discovery in the United States, including the recent amendments to the Federal Rules... [read post]
16 Jan 2009, 3:30 pm
Greenberg Traurig picks up seven new lawyers, prominent South Florida litigator Joe Klock departs big law, and K&L Gates opens an office in Frankfurt. [read post]
26 Jun 2009, 12:04 pm
Sonnenschein, K&L Gates pick up media lawyers, Jones Day and Venable snag antitrust partners, and Morgan Lewis adds three. [read post]