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19 Apr 2015, 11:55 am by Paul Caron
Forbes, 3 Ways Law Schools Are Like the Chillow, by Ryan Craig: Like everyone, I’ve bought many lousy products in my life. [read post]
29 Aug 2011, 10:07 am by Media Law Prof
Souichirou Kozuka, Gakushuin University, has published Reforming Japanese Copyright and Content Distribution Laws: The Commodification of ‘Cool Japan’? [read post]
20 Dec 2015, 10:05 pm by News Desk
Bill Bullard, chief executive of R-CALF USA, said the U.S. could have tried the diplomatic approach with Canada and Mexico to see if there were ways outside of WTO “to resolve their parochial concerns with our COOL law before any retaliatory tariffs could be implemented, but the President and his cabinet remained indifferent to the potential loss of the right of U.S. citizens to know the origins of food. [read post]
12 Sep 2013, 10:03 pm by News Desk
They argued that the rule requiring them to list where fresh meat was born, raised and harvested goes well beyond what the COOL law demands. [read post]
7 Feb 2009, 6:55 pm
She is  Samuel Gale Professor of Law at McGill University and the  Founding Director of the McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law. [read post]
21 May 2010, 9:00 am by Shaunna
To Quote the tweet that came across my feed:mike_elgan Playable PacMan on is easily the coolest thing Google has ever done.Some of the other cool - for work productivity - things that have come out of Google lately:iGoogle - adding gadget boxes to personalize a Google start page, including tweet streams and my Google Reader RSS feeds:Searching for US case law with jurisdiction filtering at Google Scholar (advanced search)The modified Google Accounts page… [read post]
30 Apr 2019, 10:59 pm by Mikella P. Wickham
A fashion designer and two luxury department stores have landed in hot water after selling products reminiscent of “The King of Cool”. [read post]
8 Oct 2015, 10:24 am by Paul Caron
Cool ABA Journal cover of my friend and co-blogger (The Legal Whiteboard, a member of our Law Professor Blogs Network) Bill Henderson (Indiana), What the Jobs Are: New Tech and Client Needs Create a New Field of Legal Operations: In this article, Indiana University law professor William Henderson, who helped... [read post]
1 Feb 2022, 4:44 am by Sarah Lawsky
Lederman's overall extremely informative and cool video series, Break Into Tax.) [read post]
15 Apr 2013, 11:23 am by Dan Markel
My friends at the Center for the Adminstration of Criminal Law at NYU are having a very cool gathering this coming Friday. [read post]
4 Nov 2024, 10:00 pm by Sherica Celine
After experiencing the hottest summer on record, many municipalities are enacting laws requiring landlords to provide air conditioning and other cooling mechanisms to ensure that rentals are habitable during the next heat wave. [read post]
23 Mar 2007, 2:57 am
I want a Wii and a clevertoddler, then I could make cool videos like this one (found via Wikinomics), which features one very smart2 year oldplaying Wii tennis.Once you're done with that then watch this news feature on 'the growing phenomenon of internet' from 1993 (found over at Law Librarian blog). [read post]
20 Jan 2015, 7:31 am by becassidy
  Today we will have pizza, pop, water, cool decorations, and a contest for a $100 Amazon gift card in the law library from 4-6pm. [read post]
19 Nov 2008, 4:14 am
In this episode of the Law is Cool Podcast, Omar Ha-Redeye attempts to cut through the media spin to find out what Human Rights Commissions really are and how they work. [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 6:33 am
Some cool Immigration Law images: Immigrants stage massive protest in Chicago Image by jvoves Immigrants stage massive protest in Chicago 10 Mar 2006 21:05:25 GMT Source: Reuters CHICAGO, March 10 (Reuters) – Tens of thousands of Mexican and other immigrants held a massive rally in Chicago on Friday to protest proposed changes to U.S. immigration laws. [read post]
12 Nov 2013, 4:25 am by Cari Rincker
The National Agriculture Law Center is will hosting a webinar titled “COOL or Not-So-Cool:  Overview and Discussion of Country of Origin Labeling” on November 14, 2013 at 2:30pm ET. [read post]
9 Feb 2007, 4:38 am
Look at all these cool people who are going to be speaking at a symposium at New York Law School next Friday. [read post]
26 Feb 2020, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
If you’re a trend chaser, forget about canned booze or intermittent fasting – all the cool kids are now getting their own stock exchange. [read post]