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16 Jun 2010, 11:43 am
I am honored to report that I was sworn in last evening as a Vice President of the New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers at a membership reception and ceremonies in Albany, New York by a member of the New York State Court of Appeals, the Honorable Victoria Graffeo. [read post]
22 Apr 2019, 12:48 pm
By Susan DeSantis *** In an era when politicians and pundits alike are bemoaning society’s lack of civility, the New York State Bar Association is announcing today that it has adopted new standards that tell lawyers how they should behave in the sandbox, so to speak. [read post]
13 May 2024, 10:48 am
Effective May 11, 2024, New York City now prohibits employers from entering into any type of agreement that shortens the statutory period by which an employee may file an administrative claim or complaint, or civil action, relating to unlawful discriminatory practices, harassment or violence under the New York City Human Rights Law, Admin. [read post]
10 Sep 2007, 3:00 am
As New York Civil Law reported back in August (see post), Governor Spitzer vetoed the Senate Bill No. 06306, which was two-pronged. [read post]
29 Apr 2019, 9:55 pm
New York State Anti Discrimination Law The New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) expands on Title VII’s list of protected categories. [read post]
30 Mar 2016, 8:59 am
On March 28, 2016, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed three pieces of legislation passed earlier this month by The New York City Council to amend the City’s Human Rights Law (“NYCHRL”). [read post]
26 Oct 2018, 8:15 am
The New York Attorney General’s Office officially posted an updated copy of the New York False Claims Act (NYFCA) that reflects two recent amendments to the statute passed into law. [read post]
4 Aug 2008, 3:16 pm
I'm back from the beach, and it's back to work for me and time to round up posts from my fellow New York law bloggers: New York Attorney Malpractice Blog: 2d Circuit Distinguishes between Civil and Criminal Legal Malpractice Cases New York Federal Criminal Practice: EDNY Judge Issues Notable Decision on Forfeiture and Restitution in Peonage Case New York Law Blog: The… [read post]
22 Dec 2009, 4:09 pm
The case involved Deborah Phillips, a civil service employee for New York City’s Department of Homeless Services (DHS). [read post]
19 Sep 2019, 7:43 pm
This week, a federal judge issued an order, finding that the New York State Board of Law Examiners is not immune under the Eleventh Amendment in a civil action by a bar exam applicant who was twice denied testing accommodations,... [read post]
14 Feb 2023, 12:22 pm
Under New York's Anti-SLAPP statute (Civil Rights Law §§... [read post]
3 Oct 2022, 7:36 am
If you have questions regarding the enforcement of orders in New York family law actions, it is in your best interest to consult a New York family law attorney as soon as possible. [read post]
29 Jul 2012, 8:26 pm
The amount and quality of the journalism coming from the New York Times that touches on issues related to family law is–literally–remarkable. [read post]
3 Apr 2010, 12:42 pm
Under New York law, while such unions are recognized through the principles of comity, New York does not have any legislation that addresses how these unions may be dissolved once one or both of the parties reside in New York. [read post]
17 Aug 2020, 6:09 pm
The New York Law Blog by Hayes & Simon, P.C. | Int'l Law Firm by The New York Law Blog by Hayes & Simon, P.C. | Int'l Law Firm - Locally Connected - Globally Experienced International Law Firm [read post]
7 Dec 2022, 2:33 pm
The New York Civil Liberties Union is fighting about a dozen different lawsuits against stonewalling police departments. [read post]
20 Feb 2019, 10:14 am
Laws like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) view sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination, and allow aggrieved individuals to file suit for damages. [read post]
3 Sep 2008, 1:20 am
New York Civil Law will keep you apprised when the decision is handed down. [read post]
21 May 2010, 5:07 am
Following up on the recent release of statistics showing that the number of African Americans and Latinos stopped and searched by New York City police vastly exceeds their percentage of the population, the New York Civil Liberties Union filed suit against the city claiming that under state law the names and other identifying information regarding those searched but for whom charges are later dismissed must be purged from the records. [read post]
12 Nov 2024, 5:14 am
However, New York State law differs significantly in this regard. [read post]