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20 Jun 2008, 2:52 am
Clement, who left the post earlier this month. [read post]
29 Mar 2015, 9:52 am by Immigration Prof
In response to murmurings about Senator Ted Cruz's candidacy for President (Kennedy was born in Canada), Neal Katyal and Paul Clement in the Harvard Law Review Forum have this to say about the U.S. [read post]
12 Nov 2021, 6:57 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
From The Nation, via NACDL's news-of-interest: Yet spectators who expected to see the familiar, purely partisan divide on this highly charged issue would likely have been surprised to hear Paul Clement, former solicitor general for George W. [read post]
18 Oct 2011, 10:18 am by Ted Frank
Lester Brickman and I are on a panel about class actions at the National Lawyers Convention November 10, but other speakers include Justices Scalia and Thomas, Judge Easterbrook, Michael McConnell, Michael Mukasey, Senator Rubio, Senator Lee, Lawrence Tribe, Paul Clement, Walter Dellinger, Ed Meese, Eugene Volokh, and Paul Singer. [read post]
12 Sep 2016, 4:25 pm
" And at "Above the Law," David Lat has a post titled "Kirkland & Ellis Hires Paul Clement, Viet Dinh -- And All Of Bancroft's Lawyers! [read post]
1 Jun 2008, 2:01 pm
This just in: President Bush intends to nominate Gregory Garre to be Solicitor General at the Department of Justice, replacing Paul Clement, who announced his resignation last week and will soon start a teaching gig at Georgetown University Law Center. [read post]
25 Apr 2011, 9:24 am
" Update: A follow-up email contains a press release that begins, "Paul D. [read post]
21 Apr 2011, 12:32 pm by David Lat
We hope [Paul] Clement loses, but we don’t begrudge him the assignment. [read post]
5 Aug 2011, 12:00 pm by Tony Mauro
When former solicitor general Paul Clement left King & Spalding for the much smaller Washington firm Bancroft, firm founder Viet Dinh joked that Clement had brought the "entire high-profile docket" of the nation's hot-button cases with him. [read post]
12 Jun 2007, 8:33 am
But Paul Clement answers to a higher authority than Chris Cox, namely President George W. [read post]
27 Mar 2012, 4:02 pm by
by Jeremy Leaming The spin is in on today’s health care law oral arguments – Paul Clement, the attorney for the state’s challenging the law’s minimum coverage provision, is awesome, and the provision is in trouble. [read post]
16 Nov 2011, 9:22 am by Jonathan Mincer
Two days after the Supreme Court agreed to hear his argument for the unconstitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, former Solicitor General Paul Clement came to Penn Law, at an event organized by students in the local chapter of the Federalist Society, to discuss the case and other important issues the Court will hear this term. [read post]
24 Oct 2009, 10:39 am
 Here are snippets from the piece: Until this summer, Paul Clement had never been hugged by a client. [read post]
25 Jul 2023, 6:36 pm by Howard Bashman
You can access the audio of the oral argument, in which two PaulsClement and Cassell — participated, via this link. [read post]
28 Mar 2012, 12:07 pm by Sam Skolnik
By Tony Mauro The Supreme Court's liberal wing came alive Wednesday afternoon, aggressively questioning former solicitor general Paul Clement on his claim that the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act is an unconstitutional intrusion on state power. [read post]
9 Apr 2012, 8:55 am by Rick Hasen
Why, then, did Paul Clement, the chief challenger to the law, keep mentioning Buckley v. [read post]
28 Apr 2016, 9:48 am by Andrew Hamm
Speakers will include Hadley Arkes, John Baker, Paul Clement, Noel Francisco, Gene Schaerr, Michael Uhlmann, and Edward Whelan. [read post]