Search for: "Scott Fruehwald" Results 181 - 183 of 183
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10 May 2023, 12:35 pm by Sean Harrington
  Critical Thinking: An Essential Skill for Law Students, Lawyers, Law Professors, And Judges / Fruehwald, Edwin Scott  Leading In Law: Leadership Development for Law Students / Polden, Donald J. [read post]
10 May 2012, 10:37 am by David Thomson
A recent post at the Law Schooled blog asked for clarification of something Scott Fruehwald wrote at the Legal Skills Prof Blog: “take as many skills courses and clinics as you can. [read post]
18 Sep 2014, 1:23 am by raycam
Recently, Scott Fruehwald of the Legal Skills Profs Blog directed me in a comment here to an article by Neil Hamilton that looks at lawyer competencies. [read post]