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23 Jul 2009, 5:25 am
In Ram v. 64th Street-Third Ave. [read post]
10 Jan 2012, 3:30 pm by Benjamin Wittes
”  Meanwhile, I’ve been advised by family who still live in New York to reassure all of you New York Giants fans that the star I wear does not mean that I play for the Dallas Cowboys. [read post]
6 Dec 2022, 4:00 am by Paul Caron
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed: No Dissent on Abortion Allowed at Hogan Lovells, by Robin Keller (Former Partner, Hogan Lovells, New York): After the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. [read post]
18 Jun 2007, 10:00 am
Here's a blog from the Wall Street Journal Law Blog that was posted on the 15th of June, 2007 discussing Browne and Wenokur v. [read post]
7 May 2010, 12:39 am by drdiekman
City of New York, NY Slip Op 03078 (2d Dept. 2010) Monday’s issue: Corporations. [read post]
13 Oct 2022, 12:27 pm by Daniel Miller
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently held that: (1) New York’s interest-on-escrow law is preempted by the National Bank Act of 1864 under the “ordinary legal principles of pre-emption,” Barnett Bank of Marion Cnty., N.A. v. [read post]