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8 May 2023, 10:13 am by Kathryn Rubino
The post Attention Ted Cruz: Not All Black Attorneys Look Alike appeared first on Above the Law. [read post]
26 Feb 2008, 5:24 am
If you love Scrubs, you love lawyer Ted. [read post]
16 Feb 2016, 5:11 pm by Jack Chin
Former university president Donald Trump has threatened a lawsuit; according to his website, Ted Cruz is eligible. [read post]
16 Jul 2007, 9:06 pm
William Mitchell School of Law CrimProf Ted Sampsell-Jones won a case before the Minnesota Supreme Court July 12 clarifying trial courts' legal duty to instruct juries on each element of a charged crime even if not requested by counsel.Sampsell-Jones represented... [read post]
24 Mar 2015, 12:45 am by Paul Caron
Forbes, Ted Cruz To Run For President: Why His Plan For A Flat Tax May Doom His Candidacy, by Tony Nitti: Should Cruz continue to profess the desire for a flat tax, the Democratic opposition will be downright jubilant, as they will be able to further the perceived economic divide... [read post]
20 Jan 2015, 1:55 am by Paul Caron
Thomas Piketty's TED Talk on his book, Capital in the Twenty-first Century (Harvard University Press, 2014) (click on YouTube button on bottom right to view video directly on YouTube to avoid interruption caused by blog's refresh rate): [read post]
23 Oct 2008, 4:41 pm
Ted Stevens' corruption trial asked today that a juror be removed following "violent outbursts" with other jurors and her refusal to "follow the rules and laws" during deliberations. [read post]
23 Mar 2016, 7:39 am by Immigration Prof
Why Ted Cruz Is Not a Natural Born Citizen Eligible to Be President and Why the Issue Is Not a Political Question by Einer Elhauge, Harvard Law School March 16, 2016 Abstract: This amicus brief explains why Ted Cruz fails... [read post]
27 Dec 2013, 5:36 pm by Immigration Prof
KJ KJ Related articles Ted Cruz Just Admits Outright that Blocking Immigration Reform in 2014 Is About... [read post]
9 Mar 2012, 7:31 am by Steve Hall
The BLT/Legal Times reports, "AG Holder: Ted Stevens Report Has "Disturbing" Findings. [read post]
20 Jul 2016, 6:30 am by Attorney Theodore Ronca
The post Defense In Depth On Work Comp Claims: Attorney Ted Ronca Tribute appeared first on Work Comp Roundup. [read post]
21 Jul 2016, 8:57 am by Tom Smith
Yesterday afternoon, several hours before he gave the speech that split the Republican National Convention, Ted Cruz held a rally at a waterfront restaurant for twelve hundred of his supporters, to thank them for their work on his Presidential campaign and to insist that they had participated in something of deep meaning. [read post]
19 Aug 2010, 1:45 pm by Michael Markarian
And it wasn’t the only time in his long career that Ted Stevens stood up for animals. [read post]
30 Oct 2008, 1:02 pm
This article in the Anchorage Daily News, headlined "Stevens keeps right to vote until sentencing," keeps up with the latest legal news surrounding Senator Ted Stevens: Sen. [read post]
24 Oct 2008, 9:47 am
Ted Stevens jury room was not pretty: "Violent outbursts" from a juror. [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 2:13 pm by Steve Lubet
Ted Cruz’s campaign memoir, just published today, includes a charming vignette about playing tennis with Chief Justice Rehnquist during his clerkship. [read post]