Search for: "United States v. Bin Laden" Results 181 - 184 of 184
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17 Mar 2008, 5:48 am
It was also a victory for the United States Constitution. [read post]
27 Feb 2023, 11:37 am by David Kopel
These handguns, from companies such as Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, or Glock, are the most common defensive firearms in the United States; under the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. [read post]
27 Mar 2012, 6:02 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Regardless, plaintiffs argued that they were entitled to strict scrutiny because required “sexually explicit” labels on video games had been struck down by the Seventh Circuit, and Brown v. [read post]
5 Mar 2015, 6:00 am by Administrator
Entrapment has similarly failed as a defence in terrorism prosecutions in the United States. [read post]