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30 Oct 2006, 3:18 am
Bloomberg's Greg Stohr notes the stare decisis issues of the case. [read post]
20 Feb 2007, 4:51 pm
Beck and Herrmann celebrate the decision for providing the first bright-line rule in the constitutionalization of punitive damages awards: "[T]he Constitution ’s Due Process Clause forbids a state to use a punitive damages award to punish a defendant for injury that... [read post]
5 Mar 2007, 6:05 am
Court limits punitive damages, SCOTUSblog, Feb. 20, 2007.The opinion, Philip Morris USA v. [read post]
13 Dec 2024, 9:30 pm by ernst
  DRE That National Constitution Center session, The Life and Constitutional Legacy of Gouverneur Morris, with Melanie Randolph Miller, Dennis Rasmussen, William Treanor, and Jeffrey Rosen, is now up on YouTube. [read post]
19 May 2006, 3:14 am
Daniel Morris, -- F.3d --, No. 05-1623 (6th Cir. [read post]
5 Nov 2009, 5:36 am
Remember, this is the same court that refused to order a new trial in Philip Morris v. [read post]
20 Feb 2007, 2:51 pm
The punitive damages instructions are in the 3900 series,  and CACI 3940, which includes all the elements relevant to the Phillip Morris case, is here. [read post]
27 Feb 2007, 9:09 pm
Anthony Sebok has an overview on Findlaw generally agreeing with the earlier assessment raised by me and Jim Copland. [read post]
11 Feb 2013, 8:20 am by Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
DiCola (discussed on Techdirt, Duane Morris's blog, World IP Review, RT, Music Business Research, The Trichordist, etc.)The Google Shortcut to Trademark Law, by Lisa Larrimore Ouellette (discussed on Eric Goldman's Technology & Marketing Law Blog)Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverlage: Müsste Google wirklich zahlen? [read post]
6 Mar 2024, 9:37 am by Eric Goldman
CafePress * Cafepress Suffers Potentially Significant Trademark Loss for Users’ Uploaded Designs * Life May Be “Rad,” But This Trademark Lawsuit Isn’t–Williams v. [read post]
19 May 2016, 1:50 pm by Joe Mullin
(credit: Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images) SAN FRANCISCO—Presentation of evidence in the Oracle v. [read post]