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9 Feb 2025, 12:50 am by Postali Co.
February 05, 2025 – 4:27 PM EDT Attorneys Ricardo Martinez-Cid, Lea Bucciero, and Zach Gorwitz represent the estate in the $150M plane crash lawsuit. [read post]
25 Jun 2010, 11:57 am by Lebowitz & Mzhen
Another Lawsuit in Albert Lea Elder Abuse Case, Globe Gazette, June 17, 2010 Related Web Resources: National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) Maryland Department of Aging [read post]
21 Nov 2010, 4:31 am by Ray Mullman
One of the nursing home workers who physically abused patients in Albert Lea, Minn. learned her punishment last month. [read post]
27 Jan 2010, 6:00 am by Steven Peck
Four of the alleged victims in the highly publicized elder abuse case at Good Samaritan Society of Albert Lea and their families have sued the operator of the nursing home and four of the former certified nursing assistants. [read post]
7 Mar 2011, 9:25 am by mv284
In a recent essay posted in the Yale Law Journal Online, Professor Lea Brilmayer and Isaias Yemane Tesfalidet respond to the claim that states ought to be able to unilateraly opt out of customary norms -- even long after the norm in question had been an accepted part of customary international law, and even if the state had originally approved of the norm. [read post]
3 Apr 2012, 1:52 am
Lea Ypi (London School of Economics - Government) has published Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency (Oxford Univ. [read post]
26 Sep 2019, 3:01 am by Walter Olson
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has called for enacting a “national wealth registry,” the better to enforce future schemes of taxation, confiscation, and restraints on expatriation [Brittany De Lea, Fox Business; related, Chris Edwards, Cato; Emily Ekins on opinion poll] And the steep “exit tax” that Sen. [read post]
26 Oct 2010, 5:56 am by Ray Mullman
   All of it happening at the Good Samaritan Society of Albert Lea where she worked. [read post]
17 Mar 2023, 6:33 am by Javier Dominguez
Podhurst is very proud to announce that our very own Lea P. [read post]
9 May 2016, 4:16 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
Lea el reglamento completo: [Reglamento 8580] Aplica a los operadores y vendedores participantes en mercados de descuentos o “pulgueros” organizados para beneficio de alguna fundación, asociación o corporaciones sin fines de lucro, en el cual los vendedores no se benefician de los recaudos de ventas, boletos de admisión o de estacionamiento. [read post]
Sam Houston’s third wife, Margaret Moffette Lea of Marion, Alabama, spent 14 years trying to convert Sam to the Baptist denomination. [read post]
13 Nov 2010, 4:34 pm
WKBT News recently discussed the latest lawsuit filed following a string of abusive conduct at the Evangelical Good Samaritan Society of Albert Lea nursing home. [read post]
27 Apr 2015, 11:06 pm by Ezra Rosser
New Article: Lea Shaver, Copyright and Inequality, 92 Wash U. [read post]
29 May 2010, 5:45 am by Lawrence Solum
Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery's Frontier by Lea VanderVelde. [read post]