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30 Jan 2015, 1:27 am by John Enser
: Europe’s creative output is one of its richest resources, and those who want to enjoy it should be able to pay to do so, even when it is only sold in another Member State [but not, apparently, if it is supplied other than for sale? [read post]
18 Oct 2018, 2:26 am
The appellate court held that Gabibbo [the translation from Italian is mine] “displays an amount of originality that is such as to make it [or, rather, him] a different work”. [read post]
14 Apr 2011, 7:12 pm by Robert Camaj
Health Care Preposterous Entergy Corp. v. [read post]
27 Sep 2014, 10:06 am by Schachtman
The common law, as it developed in the United States from the early 19th century, was hospitable to apportionments that avoided “entire” or “joint and several” liability. [read post]
22 Feb 2015, 8:53 am by Silverberg Zalantis LLP
The NY DEC, as lead agency, conducted a full environmental review of the Plaintiff's proposed mining operation. [read post]