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5 Jul 2010, 3:30 am by Kevin
Since July 5 is X-Day, this Blawg Review will reflect upon the Church of the SubGenius.TM If you are already celebrating X-Day, congratulations. [read post]
17 Mar 2017, 10:12 am by Jordan Brunner
Lebowitz asks the court to impose the remedy that was proposed on Monday under United States v. [read post]
14 May 2021, 7:10 am by Arturo Jara
Notable Cast: Ruth Negga, Joel Edgerton, and Will Dalton.Director: Jeff NicholsYear: 2016IMDB Rating: 7.0/10Memorable Quote: “You realize this case could alter the Constitution of the United States? [read post]
10 May 2023, 5:16 am by Amy Hogan-Burney, George Ramsey
Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit works to protect Microsoft and its customers from digital threats. [read post]
13 Jan 2010, 12:49 pm by Adam Thierer
 Chairman Leibowitz claims that online companies “haven’t given consumers effective notice, so they can make effective choices. [read post]
8 Apr 2019, 6:00 am by Sandy Levinson
”  One might compare this, ruefully, with the fact that not only Holder, but also his boss, the former President of the Harvard Law Review and a former member of the University of Chicago Law School faculty, never once offered an interesting observation about the United States Constitution and the vision presumably underlying it nor indicated any deep interest in molding the federal judiciary through judicial appointments. [read post]
27 Apr 2020, 3:00 am by Joshua Holt
His high-profile cases include the “trial of the century,” otherwise known as United States v. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 6:15 am by Mandelman
  Okay, follow me… Weyerheuser Lumber Company had a finance company they called Weyerheuser Mortgage Company, or WMC… and they sold it in 1997 or 1998 for $192 million to a company called Apollo Global Management, which was founded by Leon Black in 1990, and today manages an estimated $100 billion in assets. [read post]
9 May 2011, 12:35 pm
But not everyone saw the effects of this new technology as benign: some saw the prophesied erosion of state power as an invitation to anarchy, or as opening the door to the very evils that the state power was being deployed to prevent. [read post]
20 Aug 2024, 6:24 am by Daniel J. Gilman
  To back up just a bit, Google, unquestionably, has a very large share of general search in the United States. [read post]
10 May 2023, 4:00 am by Administrator
Many fundamentals of law and procedure do remain constant for some time, but, as the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom has said, the Canadian Constitution and, by extension, the law itself, are expected to change and evolve. [read post]
16 Mar 2010, 7:34 pm
  The Medicare Hospital Trust Fund has reported that it will cover only 78% of hospital services.[26]  In addition, many hospitals see a higher percentage of Medicare patients. [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 12:14 am by Kevin LaCroix
Where plaintiffs have been able to show, using internal documents or confidential witness testimony, that there was a mismatch between what a company was telling investors and what its people were saying internally, the cases have been allowed to proceed. [read post]