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7 Apr 2024, 9:19 am
 The short summary I prepared fleshes out the themes I hope to cover: Regulatory governance is well within a process of transformation from a managerial system deeply embedded in the classical model of the rule-of-law state grounded in positive (or customary) law pronounced by an authoritative body clothed in the legislative power, to the world of the panopticon and the disciplines. [read post]
9 Sep 2009, 11:18 pm
  Ian Boyko, Canadian Federation of Students Expand fair dealing in line with the case of CHH v. [read post]
5 Feb 2021, 1:25 am by Shannon O'Hare
Otherwise, they would be facing administrative or criminal proceedings under the laws of each Member State. [read post]
18 Sep 2005, 7:10 pm
If there was any one topic addressed the most this week among legal bloggers, it was clearly the John Roberts hearings. [read post]
12 Dec 2019, 12:04 pm by Peter Margulies
Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham, Barr’s choice for a separate Justice Department investigation into the Russia probe.) [read post]
16 Apr 2019, 2:33 am by Patti Waller
E. coliO157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2] respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and animals.[4]  The E. coli bacterium is among the most… [read post]
19 Jul 2023, 9:05 pm by renholding
Federal and state rules already require reporting of most Scope 1 emissions, including the pollution from power plants that are others’ Scope 2 emissions. [read post]
30 Nov 2023, 4:59 am by Beatrice Yahia
” Japan said it has asked the United States to suspend all non-emergency V-22 Osprey flights over its region after one of the U.S. [read post]
10 May 2010, 1:16 pm by admin
Click Here Beef slaughterhouse in Wash. state to pay $750,000. [read post]
3 Dec 2018, 11:13 am by Anushka Limaye
.: CSIS will host a conversation with Secretary of the Navy Richard V. [read post]
3 May 2018, 3:44 am by John Buhl
Prior to the passage of the TCJA, the United States was one of six nations that had a worldwide corporate tax system. [read post]
6 Jan 2011, 7:17 am by Carolyn Elefant
The cloud is just a start… Even without Richard Susskind pinpointing it, by now, most lawyers realize that data storage is heading for the clouds. [read post]
13 Oct 2022, 6:05 am by Joseph Margulies
Habib, who is Australian, had been one of the four petitioners in Rasul v. [read post]
23 Mar 2015, 2:16 am by Kevin LaCroix
”   In a March 16, 2015 press release (here), the company stated that it had turned over all of the information that the prosecutor had requested to the Chilean Internal Revenue Service, which the company stated was the proper authority to receive the information. [read post]