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17 Oct 2012, 4:57 pm
The litigation involves two groups of plaintiffs, the first consisting of current players who are seeking improved medical care and treatment related to brain trauma. [read post]
29 Dec 2015, 12:12 pm by Kenneth J. Vanko
***On November 15, a group of law professors wrote a lengthy letter opposing the DTSA. [read post]
21 Apr 2008, 6:21 am
And, given the stakes involved for both sides of the litigation in this sort of preliminary ruling, I would expect one to come soon:1 Parents have two opportunities for appeal, [Scott] McCown said. [read post]
30 Sep 2015, 4:01 pm
 Incidentally, The SPC Blog organises an annual seminar, which is free to all comers and provides a great opportunity for pharma patent-owning companies, generics, private practitioners and patent office functionaries to get together and compare notes.******************************************  PatLit tackles patent dispute resolution topics -- principally litigation -- not just from the UK but from wherever interesting news and comments emerge. [read post]
5 Jan 2015, 4:01 pm
 Incidentally, The SPC Blog organises an annual seminar, which is free to all comers and provides a great opportunity for pharma patent-owning companies, generics, private practitioners and patent office functionaries to get together and compare notes.******************************************  PatLit tackles patent dispute resolution topics -- principally litigation -- not just from the UK but from wherever interesting news and comments emerge. [read post]
30 Sep 2014, 4:01 pm
 Incidentally, The SPC Blog organises an annual seminar, which is free to all comers and provides a great opportunity for pharma patent-owning companies, generics, private practitioners and patent office functionaries to get together and compare notes.******************************************  PatLit tackles patent dispute resolution topics -- principally litigation -- not just from the UK but from wherever interesting news and comments emerge. [read post]
7 Apr 2015, 9:42 am
 Incidentally, The SPC Blog organises an annual seminar, which is free to all comers and provides a great opportunity for pharma patent-owning companies, generics, private practitioners and patent office functionaries to get together and compare notes.******************************************  PatLit tackles patent dispute resolution topics -- principally litigation -- not just from the UK but from wherever interesting news and comments emerge. [read post]
8 Feb 2008, 7:00 pm
– Facebook’s contractual rights to users’ photos problematic: (Spicy IP)PharmaEuropean Commission probes pharmaceutical sector: (Philip Brooks),WHO Board sets course on IP, avian flu, tighter publication policy: (Intellectual Property Watch),India: The Competition Act, patents and over hyped drugs: (Part I - Spicy IP), (Part II – Spicy IP), (Part III – Spicy IP),Ignoring not the solution … [read post]
30 Mar 2012, 10:48 am by Alex Gasser
  For example, “email regarding attorney/client phone conversation,” fails to indicate any basis for a claimed privilege, and should include additional detail regarding the patents, applications, or litigations to which they relate. [read post]
6 Sep 2010, 12:42 am by Marie Louise
United States (271 Patent Blog) (Patently-O) (Gray on Claims) (IPBiz) (IPBiz) (PatLit) CAFC: Another means-plus-function opinion: General Protecht Group, Inc. v. [read post]
23 Jul 2018, 4:44 pm by Camille Fischer
Should small businesses have ways to protect themselves from unmeritorious patent claims, other than paying litigation cost-based settlements? [read post]
About JMBM’s Government, Land Use, Environment and Energy DepartmentJMBM’s government, land use, environment, and energy lawyers represent a wide range of industries, businesses, trade groups and individuals before every level of government, and in litigation. [read post]
3 Nov 2008, 1:37 pm
’:(Technology Transfer Tactics), 8-9 January: IP Academy Singapore ‘Global forum on intellectual property 2009’ – Singapore: (GFIP)   Patents 10-11 November: Practising Law Institute (PLI) conference ‘Patent litigation 2008’ – Atlanta: (Patent Docs), 10-14 November: 3rd EPO patent information advanced seminar – Vienna: (EPO), 11 November: UCL Institute of Brand and… [read post]
11 Jan 2008, 9:00 am
: (Biotech Weblog),Immunomedics obtains antibody patent: (SmartBrief),Cyplasin Biomedical obtains US patent for protein based cancer treatment: (Patent Docs)Argatroban - Encysive Pharmaceuticals Inc., GlaxoSmithKline and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. file patent infringement lawsuit to stop Barr Laboratories from producing a generic version of the anti-blood clotting drug: (IP Law360), Biaxin (Clarithromycin) - Court holds… [read post]
8 Jul 2012, 5:15 pm by INFORRM
Dan Tench is a partner at Olswang LLP and has acted for News Group Newspapers in the phone hacking litigation. [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 4:06 pm
Within the near future, PatLit is to be relaunched as IP-Lit, covering not just patent dispute resolution but litigation and its alternatives right across the spectrum of intellectual property rights. [read post]
6 Oct 2011, 3:11 pm by Eric Schweibenz
  Zep then sought reexamination of the ‘800 patent, and the district court stayed the litigation pending the reexamination. [read post]
8 Dec 2011, 7:34 pm by Barry Herman
As to related litigation, the complaint describes that two ex parte reexamination requests have been filed against the ‘505 patent (one granted, and one deemed moot based on the other), and the reexamination process is ongoing. [read post]
21 Jul 2010, 12:22 am
The basic issues are simple: should this patent litigation weblog just cover patents or should it deal with all IP rights, and should it focus narrowly on litigation or broaden out to alternative dispute resolution topic? [read post]