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29 Jun 2010, 4:02 am
Others argued that software patents are also bad because they're simply business method patents and we shouldn't have them. [read post]
23 Jan 2012, 12:50 am
A mere 2 counties away, the well intentioned art loving community of Rose Hill re-purposed two old dairy barns to house their community arts and education center, calling it THE BARNS AT ROSE HILL. [read post]
30 Jan 2011, 4:07 pm
We note that the NGO “Privacy International” has a re-designed website. [read post]
16 Aug 2012, 12:08 pm
Moore CC-BY-SALate last week, two major stories relevant to this site broke. [read post]
26 Aug 2011, 7:11 am
Global Global – General PK In the Know Podcast: including – Google-Motorola merger (Public Knowledge) Data Governance, our idea for the Moore Foundation (Creative Commons) Global – Copyright Copyright 2.0 Show – Episode 206 – Piracy Return? [read post]
19 Mar 2009, 5:25 am
Merrill Goozner, of GoozNews, suggests this week that there ought to be a journal dedicated solely to publishing negative results -- as soon as they're known -- as he is all hopped up due to delayed publication and/or suppression of data on adverse effects of drugs. [read post]
15 May 2011, 5:04 pm
We had a post by Martin Moore of the Media Standards Trust. [read post]
2 Apr 2011, 4:23 am
Final note: As I type, the economy still stinks and we’re engaged in 2.5 wars. [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 7:52 am
You’re working hard on an endorsement deal with a young basketball star, and you want to show him off. [read post]
10 Sep 2012, 7:28 am
Who knows the depth of the tragic results to our profession if they do as they’re told, “Don’t do it. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 7:33 pm
So, Justice Kavanaugh continued, "you truly believe you're not violating the law, could you be charged under that provision? [read post]
27 Nov 2018, 8:05 am
Moore was justified by the involvement of a prosecutor who was entitled to absolute immunity, a number of upstream and downstream actors, and the presumption of regularity that attaches to prosecutorial action — none of which is present for retaliatory arrest. [read post]
16 Dec 2008, 2:00 pm
In the case known as In Re Citigroup, Inc. [read post]
20 Jan 2023, 1:00 pm
City of Lago Vista (with notes on Moore) on what crimes can lead to arrest. [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 3:20 am
Kubus (EPLAW) Nigeria Slow news day: Relocation of the Trademarks Registry in Nigeria (Afro-IP) Puerto Rico Puerto Rico gears up for university-originated R&D exploitation reforms (IP tango) Poland Cold Case: SOLERO trademark case (Class 46) The protection of economic turnover – CHOLESTIN (Class 46) Well known trademarks (Class 46) South Africa SACTWU warns that factories may close due to counterfeiting (Afro-IP) I put it on a shirt first, Swaziboy–Swazi Boy dispute in Swaziland… [read post]
21 Mar 2012, 10:28 am
In a unanimous decision ([2012] UKSC 11) the Supreme Court today allowed the appeal of Times Newspapers Ltd against a decision of the Court of Appeal ([2010] EWCA Civ 804) which had held that held that it could not rely on Reynolds qualified privilege. [read post]
29 Sep 2011, 5:14 pm
Crossing the Chasm author Geoffrey Moore explained that most markets have a few “visionaries / innovators” who buy new ideas because they are new. [read post]
24 Feb 2012, 11:45 am
As a dedicated geek, I have to restrain myself from buying those products, and I know precisely what they’re doing to me. [read post]
26 Oct 2023, 6:31 am
” Here is the sum-total of the U.S. response: As to remedies for torture, we note that we’re not aware of any acts constituting torture perpetrated in the United States that could not be prosecuted at the federal or state level for lack of domestic legal authority. [read post]
20 Sep 2010, 5:26 am
"Europe's GCs Warn of More Pressure on Law Firm FeesThe American LawyerSenior general counsel in Europe are warning law firms to expect a lasting shake-up in how they're retained and paid. [read post]