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13 Jan 2025, 2:09 am by INFORRM
The rise in fulfilled user requests comes months after French authorities arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in August 2024 in part for the company’s long-standing refusal to provide user data in response to a child exploitation investigation. [read post]
15 Nov 2019, 3:00 am
Sometimes elegance is refusal.The average consumer and the nature of the purchasing actAs per Sabel BV v Puma AG, the average consumer normally perceives a trade mark as a whole and does not proceed to analyse the various details. [read post]
17 Jul 2023, 11:20 am by Marcel Pemsel
CEDC’s predecessor sold the vodka to Agros, a Polish state-owned undertaking. [read post]
13 Jun 2014, 2:58 am
Should this be true, the GC stated, Nike would have initially owned the Spanish non-registered trade mark at issue and no transfer of ownership from DL Sports would have taken place. [read post]
3 May 2022, 2:58 am by Becky
ESRT Empire State Building, L.L.C. has filed a figurative application for an image of the Empire State Building (see below) covering, among other things “non-fungible tokens (NFTs)” and “downloadable multimedia files containing artwork authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs)” in Class 9 (see here).The sheer number of ‘Metaverse-related’ filings already present on the register indicates that brands are determined to secure their protection… [read post]
29 Nov 2013, 5:10 am
Finally, Asim Singh updates us on the latest French site-blocking litigation on the 1709 Blog.The thoughtful and creative John Walker, a regular correspondent on the 1709 Blog on matters of interest to artists, not least of which is the rights and wrongs of resale royalty rights, has (as he modestly states) written something on "fair use" re scanning library books on Club Troppo ("the suppository of all centrist wisdom since 2002", with the lovely armadillo logo on the right).… [read post]
6 Apr 2015, 12:11 pm
Said the company, it also owns the French trade mark WEBSHIPPING and has been in dispute with DHL over these marks since 2004. [read post]
8 Mar 2019, 10:02 am by Eleonora Rosati
However, according to scholarly literature, "the exclusion of translations from the definition should be confined to true and accurate translations, as it is difficult to see why an author should not be able to object to a translation which murders his work or distorts its meaning" (1987 French case of Zorine (Leonide) v Le Lucernaire L. [read post]
25 Jul 2018, 10:43 am
 Such practical, result-oriented use of EU pre-emption has occurred in the area of economic rights with regard to the scope of national implementations of, eg, the InfoSoc Directive; exceptions and limitations (notably national private copying provisions); and independent national legislative initiatives, such as the one at issue in Soulier and Doke concerning the 2012 French law on the exploitation of out-of commerce works [here]. [read post]
4 May 2007, 4:25 am
Thus, we are gratified by the decision the other day in Fraker v. [read post]
7 Jul 2019, 4:23 pm by INFORRM
Unlike the UK and the US, French defamation laws extend libel beyond death. [read post]
24 Jun 2010, 5:59 pm by Duncan
Librarian of Congress (Internet Cases) (Copyright Litigation Blog) US Copyright – Lawsuits and strategic steps EMI – More freshly squeezed lime: EMI April Music Inc. v. [read post]
25 Jun 2010, 4:18 am
Librarian of Congress (Internet Cases) (Copyright Litigation Blog)   US Copyright – Lawsuits and strategic steps EMI - More freshly squeezed lime: EMI April Music Inc. v. [read post]
28 Nov 2008, 12:28 pm
(Intellectual Property Watch) EU Council on Education, Youth and Culture blocks French effort to write "three strikes" style penalties into its conclusions on distributing online content (Ars Technica) Three strikes rule may sneak into EU law, despite earlier rejection (Techdirt) Europeana – Did the EU actually do something right in its efforts to fight Google dominance? [read post]
3 Sep 2011, 11:01 am by Oliver G. Randl
On the other hand, “a disclaimer should not remove more than is necessary […] to restore novelty […]” (see G 1/03 [headnote 2.2] and [3]).[5.5.1] The second paragraph of G 1/03 [3] states“However, the only justification for the disclaimer is to exclude a novelty-destroying disclosure […]. [read post]
15 Mar 2017, 10:52 am by Charlotte Garden
Second, the drafting history of the convention, as previously described by the Supreme Court in 1988, in Volkswagenwerk Aktiengesellschaft v. [read post]