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16 Mar 2012, 9:59 am
Although we're still reviewing the documents, we're not holding our breath for any meaningful explanation from the government about its secret take on the Patriot Act. [read post]
10 Apr 2019, 5:33 am
“We’re excited to enter this new phase of growth in Brightflag,” Nolan said in a statement. [read post]
8 May 2010, 1:08 pm
Oh, and also, per Blow, you're a big bunch of racists. [read post]
30 Jun 2007, 1:38 am
Me, as a Simpsons character:My shirt symbolizes Blonde Power! [read post]
13 Jun 2012, 6:04 am
MWB does a terrific job of keeping things on-track, with a short but powerful collection.We're starting to schedule Fall Cavs. [read post]
3 Mar 2010, 12:50 pm
Make sure it’s heard, especially when you’re gone. [read post]
21 Nov 2022, 2:16 pm
Another says the ‘power of Twitter’ gave her clout because ‘information is a powerful force indeed’. [read post]
11 Apr 2010, 6:43 am
For me, and countless others, the use of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter (and now, Foursquare), are all modern day re-creations of this local donut shop. [read post]
25 Jul 2017, 12:58 pm
Under Delaware law, a minority shareholder is a controller if it has such formidable power that it exercises actual control over corporate decision-making. [read post]
10 Sep 2018, 12:55 pm
I know they're just following the law. [read post]
19 Nov 2019, 2:30 am
See why exactly we do what we do – and who you’re helping when you join our community. [read post]
26 Jul 2007, 4:28 am
We might all be better off with a Power rating than one provided by our friendly insurance company. [read post]
19 Mar 2018, 6:24 am
Perry, who serves as one of the three judges on the newly re-booted reality program, wields the power to move contestants on to the next round or dash their dreams of stardom based on her subjective whim. [read post]
16 Apr 2008, 6:11 am
In re Countrywide Home Loans, 2008 Bankr. [read post]
19 Mar 2018, 6:24 am
Perry, who serves as one of the three judges on the newly re-booted reality program, wields the power to move contestants on to the next round or dash their dreams of stardom based on her subjective whim. [read post]
26 Jan 2023, 7:19 am
You’re Going to be Seeing It a Lot. appeared first on Legal Planet. [read post]
29 Jul 2015, 7:43 am
Online review sites wield enormous power, and some enterprising consumers have begun leveraging that power to extract refunds or other benefits from businesses worried about protecting their online reputations. [read post]
29 Apr 2015, 4:04 am
But there is also the ability to speak truth to power from anonymity. [read post]
10 Nov 2020, 12:05 pm
by Dennis Crouch In re Apple (Fed. [read post]
12 Apr 2012, 7:07 pm
Not understanding the power of leveraging technology. [read post]