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3 Jan 2023, 7:08 am by Eric Goldman
Most commenters identified changes to competition (antitrust) policy as a more effective means to improve the position of press publishers in dealing with news aggregators” * White v. [read post]
9 Jan 2018, 4:32 am by Edith Roberts
” Horvitz & Levy’s At the Lectern blog notes that the justices also declined to review “the California Supreme Court’s decision in People v. [read post]
6 Sep 2012, 9:24 am by Roger Clegg
  One reason that, say, Justice O’Connor might have assumed that all black people and all white people live in different worlds growing up was that, for her when she was growing up, there was a lot more truth to that than there is today. [read post]
6 Aug 2008, 8:37 am
The decision in Mississippi v. [read post]
18 Jun 2007, 10:02 pm
I will begin this post with a brief backgrounder from Wikipedia:Loving v. [read post]
10 Nov 2011, 11:44 am by Eugene Volokh
But a vast range of speech could lead some listeners to act improperly — whether by ostracizing fellow union members, ostracizing strike breakers, ostracizing fellow blacks who choose to shop at white-owned stores (see NAACP v. [read post]
30 Jun 2023, 11:52 am by Eugene Volokh
" To further that agenda, the Convention placed nine crimes in §241 of the State's Constitution as bases for disenfranchisement, believing that more Black people would be convicted of those crimes than White people. [read post]
7 Aug 2016, 3:43 am by SHG
As we made clear in Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. [read post]
26 Dec 2013, 7:05 am by David Markus
” And when threats of draconian sentences compel guilty pleas, “some innocent people will plead guilty. [read post]
Transparency and Labeling Requirements The proposed AI Act requires providers of AI systems intended to interact with natural persons to develop them in such a way that people know they are interacting with the system. [read post]
16 Sep 2021, 1:42 pm by Patricia Salkin
Atkins’ SB 9, the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, which the White House this month commended to increase housing supply. [read post]