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16 Feb 2009, 6:16 am
Una comunidad de propietarios es un ente colectivo que necesita de unos determinados órganos dedicados al gobierno y a la gestión de los derechos e intereses que le son propios y al cumplimiento de las obligaciones entabladas con los propios comuneros y con terceros. [read post]
15 Jun 2022, 9:15 am by Matthew Schutte
(collectively, L’Oréal), alleging patent infringement of both U.S Patent No. 6,423,327 (the ‘327 patent) and U.S. [read post]
11 May 2021, 4:15 am by Nancy Braman
L’Oréal USA, Inc., L’Oréal USA Products, Inc., L’Oréal USA S/D, Inc., and Redken 5th Avenue NYC, LLC. [read post]
14 Jul 2015, 4:30 am by Denise Sze
Typically ALE recovery calls for records with tremendous detail to satisfy the insurer that the ALE is “incurred. [read post]
6 Aug 2014, 1:28 pm
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. et al, the plaintiff alleged that metoclopramide, the generic name for Relgan, caused her to develop the neurologic condition known as tardive dyskinesia. [read post]
12 Jan 2017, 1:59 pm by Daily Record Staff
Ward, et al., the Substitute Trustees,1 commenced foreclosure proceedings as to the Property in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. ... [read post]
23 May 2022, 3:51 pm by parroyogu
El grupo multisectorial rendirá al gobernador en un periodo de 30 días, a partir de hoy, un informe inicial sobre las posibles estrategias de política pública para que Puerto Rico reciba el mismo trato que tienen los estados en los fondos destinados a los programas de asistencia nutricional. [read post]
1 Nov 2017, 3:45 pm by Tom Smith
I’m old enough to recall when those who suggested an Iran/IRGC link to al-Qaeda got nothing but laughter. [read post]
8 Feb 2016, 3:27 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
Descargar documento: Enmienda el Código de Rentas Internas para un Nuevo Puerto Rico Aclara que el tratamiento contributivo aplicable a los aseguradores internacionales y entidades organizadas bajo la Ley Reguladora del Centro Financiero Internacional, será similar al aplicable a las entidades organizadas bajo la Ley para Fomentar la Exportación de Servicios. [read post]
14 Oct 2009, 1:52 am
Regina (Al-Sweady and Others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) Queen’s Bench Divisional Court “Full disclosure was required in any judicial review proceedings involving disputed questions of fact so that effective and proper cross-examination of the makers of witness statements on those questions could take place. [read post]
29 Jan 2010, 1:41 am by sally
Same v al-Ghabra; Regina (Youssef) v HM Treasury Supreme Court “The Treasury exceeded its powers by authorising, in on the test of reasonable suspicion alone, a major inroad into the rights of individuals to dispose of their assets as they chose and to live free of executive interference. [read post]
4 Dec 2018, 3:44 pm by Daily Record Staff
(“GAB”) filed a nine count complaint in the Circuit Court for Frederick County against four defendants: Rocky Gorge Development, LLC (F/K/A Rocky Gorge Homes LLC, et al.) [read post]
7 Oct 2019, 4:30 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Los fondos en posesión del Gobierno de Puerto Rico se supone que le pertenecen a quienes pagaron el seguro obligatorio innecesariamente – por poseer una póliza de seguro privado para sus vehículos – y se supone estén disponibles para su reembolso al solicitarlo. [read post]