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19 May 2024, 4:01 am by Administrator
The Blood Tribe is entitled to the following declaration: under the treaty land entitlement provisions of Treaty No. 7, the Tribe was entitled to a reserve equal to 710 square miles in area; the current reserve is 162.5 square miles smaller in area than what was promised in Treaty No. 7; and Canada, having provided the Tribe with a reserve of 547.5 square miles in area, dishonourably breached the treaty land entitlement provisions of Treaty No. 7. [read post]
24 Mar 2016, 10:53 am by Miriam Seifter
The question presented in United States Army Corps of Engineers v. [read post]
20 Feb 2024, 6:19 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
Mehaylo was driving approximately 20 miles per hour when she collided with Naseen Senan at a stop light. [read post]
4 Oct 2018, 4:50 pm by Cooper Quintin
With a landline, first responders could simply go to the billing location for the phone, but a mobile caller could be miles from their home, even in another state. [read post]
17 Nov 2015, 7:04 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
The Supreme Court has quietly held that a police officer who shot at a fleeing motorist during a high-speed chase is immune from suit because the state of the law at the time of the shooting did not make it clear that he violated the Fourth Amendment in firing the shots.The case is Mullenix v. [read post]
28 Apr 2015, 8:59 am by WIMS
 Appeals Court Environmental Decisions <> Allen v. [read post]
27 Aug 2010, 5:00 am
Mitchell County covers only 468 square miles of the state’s 55,869 square miles. [read post]
15 Jul 2019, 9:03 am by Michael Rushford
But the reporter also included Gundy v. [read post]