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22 Dec 2009, 4:18 pm
Todd Smith in his Texas Appellate Law Blog Copenhagen Outcomes: Lots of Bark, But The Bite Needs Work - Washington, DC lawyer Jon Sohn of McKenna Long & Aldridge on the firm's blog, Climate Change Insights Texas Appeals Court Reverses Itself, Recognizes Non-biological Lesbian Mother as Parent - Emory law student Gideon Alper on his Gay Couples Law Blog Fannie Mae Partners With Cuyahoga County Landbank - Cleveland attorney John Weber of Ullmer Berne on the… [read post]
12 Oct 2009, 6:12 am
I. [read post]
15 Sep 2009, 10:00 pm
Raymond Dowd, Esq. who spoke at the June 2009 Holocaust Era Assets Conference in Prague, analyzed the August 11th decision in "German and Other Foreign Heirs in New York: Standing To Sue Clarified In Andrew Lloyd Weber Picasso Case". [read post]
2 Sep 2009, 4:00 pm
The college football season opens with some fantastic matchups that will set the tone for 2009. [read post]
22 Aug 2009, 1:24 pm
The Florida Law Review is proud to welcome the Class of 2011: Justin Alex Anthony Bajoczky Jaime Barwig Elizabeth Bowers Andrew Brown Chris Burton Luis Casa Samantha Crawford Spencer Diamond Nathaniel Edenfield John Errico Nathaniel Frazier Adam Griffin Kevin Hall Tim Hendrick Eva Hibnick Rania Kajan Lauren Kirkpatrick Kimon Korres Robert Lingle Margo Lyon Daniel Mahfood Frank Mari Steven McGinley Kristen McKinney Katherine Moum Claudia Murray Suzanne Palms Madeleine Parro Tara Richardson… [read post]
24 Jul 2009, 3:58 pm
Andrew C. [read post]
24 May 2009, 11:07 am
Andrew Lloyd Weber, T.S. [read post]
18 Nov 2008, 6:39 am
Texas AG Greg Abbott names new First Assistant, Andrew Weber, []. [read post]
14 Nov 2008, 6:16 pm
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has named my friend Andrew Weber (pictured) First Assistant Attorney General. [read post]
8 Sep 2008, 1:40 pm
UPDATE: Our record this week for picking the winner was a somewhat disappointing 68-19 and we had a disastrous weekend against the spread 17-26-1 (i.e. we may have picked the winner of the game, but still called the wrong side of the odds line. [read post]
21 Jun 2008, 7:38 pm
The 11th tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states as follows: "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films. [read post]
3 Jun 2008, 3:05 am
Amanda Leiter, JD 2000 Harvard University, MS Oceanography University of Washington, Visiting Assistant Professor GeorgetownChapman UniversityDeepa Badrinaryana, BALLB 1997 National Law School of India University, LLM 2001 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, SJD 2007 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, Visiting Scholar Columbia University, Environmental Law Fellow Pace University, Visiting Assistant Professor Chapman University Kenneth Stahl, JD 2000… [read post]
22 Apr 2008, 7:49 am
But maybe you're watching Andrew Lloyd Weber night on "American Idol. [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 11:47 am
Amanda Leiter, JD 2000 Harvard University, MS Oceanography University of Washington, Visiting Assistant Professor GeorgetownChapman UniversityDeepa Badrinaryana, BALLB 1997 National Law School of India University, LLM 2001 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, SJD 2007 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, Visiting Scholar Columbia University, Environmental Law Fellow Pace University, Visiting Assistant Professor Chapman University Kenneth Stahl, JD 2000… [read post]
19 Mar 2008, 7:30 am
Miriam Baer, JD 1996 Harvard University, Lawyering Professor New York University Robin Effron, JD 2004 New York University, Fellow DAAD Program for International Lawyers, Teaching Fellow University of Chicago Rebecca Kysar, JD 2004 Yale University California Western School of Law Jessica Fink, JD 2001 Harvard University, Teaching Fellow California Western School of Law, Visiting Assistant Professor California Western School of Law Chapman UniversityDeepa Badrinaryana, BALLB 1997 National Law… [read post]
29 Feb 2008, 6:32 am
Miriam Baer, JD 1996 Harvard University, Lawyering Professor New York University Robin Effron, JD 2004 New York University, Fellow DAAD Program for International Lawyers, Teaching Fellow University of Chicago Rebecca Kysar, JD 2004 Yale University California Western School of Law Jessica Fink, JD 2001 Harvard University, Teaching Fellow California Western School of Law, Visiting Assistant Professor California Western School of Law Charlotte College of LawNo Entry Level HiringCornell University … [read post]
21 Feb 2008, 10:21 am
American University Mary Fan, JD 2003 Yale University, MPhil 2008 Anthropology Cambridge University Brooklyn Law School Miriam Baer, JD 1996 Harvard University, Lawyering Professor New York University Robin Effron, JD 2004 New York University, Fellow DAAD Program for International Lawyers, Teaching Fellow University of Chicago Rebecca Kysar, JD 2004 Yale University California Western School of Law Jessica Fink, JD 2001 Harvard University, Teaching Fellow California Western School of Law,… [read post]
29 Dec 2007, 11:40 am
Clarksville Town Court Judge Joe Weber is the only candidate to announce his intention to run for the seat Fleece is leaving. [read post]
8 Dec 2007, 6:00 pm
Yes, according to a post on Andrew Scott-Howman's excellent Life at Work Blog (see Workplace porn: a health and safety issue?) [read post]
20 Oct 2007, 3:12 am
by Kristen Harrell this is by Rachel Andrew Tiny Starfish in a Great Big Sea by Carol Toscano Toddler Planet by WhyMommy unstruc chitchat about information Veerle’s blog 2.0 by Veerle Water Cooler Wisdom by Alexandra Levit Wealth Strategy Secrets by Nicola Cairncross What A Concept! [read post]