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19 Jul 2020, 10:13 am
On this episode of Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer speaks with newly-elected Councilwoman At-Large Kendra Brooks about the most urgent issues facing Philadelphia. [read post]
4 May 2016, 2:17 pm
The column was written in the faux-innocent style Brooks has perfected, treating a banal observation as a breakthrough. [read post]
28 Nov 2017, 8:37 am
Brooks and the ‘Legal Turn’ in Early Modern English History,” which we've previously noticed, has now been published in the Journal of Law and Society, October 2017, Volume 44, Issue Supplement S1, pages S37–S60, and is available “on a free-access basis” for the next four weeks here. [read post]
9 Oct 2018, 4:34 pm
Allen – President, The Brookings Institution: “Emerging technologies of the 21st century are poised to fundamentally transform modern society. [read post]
14 May 2017, 6:04 am
Lionel Brooks, a registered representative from Cumberland, Rhode Island formerly with Merrill Lynch was barred from FINRA membership as a result of refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation. [read post]
10 Jan 2025, 8:55 pm
Thom Brooks (Durham University - Law School; Yale Law School) has posted A Critique of von Hirsch's Censure Theory (Ratio Juris, 2025, forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
18 May 2012, 8:30 am
Can Rebekah Brooks receive a fair trial on her charges of perverting the course of justice? [read post]
10 Feb 2021, 12:05 am
Brooks (Georgetown; Google Scholar) & Adam J. [read post]
4 Sep 2024, 11:01 am
Bland and Ben Brooks (Santa Clara University School of Law and Whitman-Walker Health) have posted Improving Laws and Policies to Protect Sex Workers and Promote Health and Wellbeing: A Report on Criminalization of Sex Work in the District... [read post]
10 Jun 2013, 3:15 am
Carol Rose (Arizona) & Richard Brooks (Yale) have posted an abstract to their book, Saving the Neighborhood: Racially Restrictive Covenants, Law, and Social Norms, on SSRN. [read post]
8 Aug 2006, 7:50 pm
Following up on its series of articles about 104 year old socialite Brooke Astor which I... [read post]
13 May 2017, 11:34 am
Wizards' coach Scott Brooks on all-black "funeral" attire of Boston Celtics, who nevertheless lost game 6:: "I'm going to talk to my lawyers. [read post]
28 Feb 2021, 4:37 am
Photo courtesy of the White House In "Biden’s immigration reset", John Hudak and Christine Stenglein for the Brookings Institution consider the efforts of the Biden administration to reshape immigration law and policy. [read post]
1 Mar 2015, 5:41 pm
Lance Compa and Tequila Brooks have just published NAFTA and the NAALC Twenty Years of North American Trade-Labour Linkage (2015). [read post]
19 Jul 2011, 8:08 am
“As reporters wait, tweet-fingers poised, for such nuggets of information as Rebekah Brooks may dangle before MPs this afternoon, constitutional lawyers will be much more interested in any excuses she may give for not answering questions.” Full story The Guardian, 19th July 2011 Source: [read post]
29 Oct 2009, 12:19 pm
Kimberly Ruth Brooks (McGill) presents Hope for Harmonization? [read post]
11 Mar 2014, 1:28 pm
Kimberley Brooks (Dean, Dalhousie University, Schulich School of Law), After the Financial Crisis (reviewing Richard Eccleston (University of Tasmania), The Dynamics of Global Economic Governance: The Financial Crisis, the OECD and the Politics of International Tax Cooperation (2012)): [The book] is a welcome addition to the literature on the regulatory... [read post]
8 May 2013, 2:38 pm
Brooks II (Georgetown) presents Doing Too Much: The Standard Deduction and the Conflict Between Progressivity and Simplification, 2 Colum. [read post]
21 Jan 2010, 1:15 pm
Kimberly Brooks (McGill) presents Tax Sparing: A Needed Incentive for Foreign Investment in Low Income Countries, or an Unnecessary Revenue Sacrifice? [read post]
23 Jan 2014, 1:00 pm
Brooks II (Georgetown) presents Fiscal Federalism as Risk Management​ at UCLA today as part of its Tax Policy and Public Finance Colloquium hosted by Jason Oh, Kirk Stark, and Alexander Wu: In addition to funding government and redistributing income, a redistributive tax-and-transfer system, and a progressive income tax... [read post]