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19 Jul 2018, 12:53 pm by Tejinder Singh
The literature on this question is deep, but for those interested in taking a dive, there are three useful articles (by Dawn Johnsen, David Barron, and Peter Strauss) published in Law & Contemporary Problems in 2000, and there have been good more recent contributions to the debate by Professors Daniel Meltzer, Saikrishna Prakash, and Joseph Landau. [read post]
16 Apr 2010, 2:59 pm by Jonathan H. Adler
But for a generation of law students that has grown up revering American Constitution Society stalwarts such as Dawn Johnsen, Eric Holder, Pamela Karlan, John Payton, Laurence Tribe, Goodwin Liu, David Cole, and my own partner in crime Walter Dellinger, among others, the absence of most of these names from even the long shortlist is demoralizing. [read post]
7 Apr 2009, 1:27 am
As far as I can tell, nothing has been done by either the Office of Legal Counsel or by the Attorney General that is inconsistent with the principles that Dawn Johnsen and others developed to guide the Office's actions (with the possible exception, on which the facts are unclear to me, of the timing of the formal release of the OLC opinion -- see Principle Six, which refers to timeliness). [read post]
1 Nov 2008, 3:19 pm
As Dawn Johnsen has noted in an article on the subject, refusal to enforce a law on the ground that it is "probable" that the Supreme Court will agree with the president's position makes things too easy on the president. [read post]
11 May 2017, 4:27 am by SHG
Lawprof Dawn Johnsen, at the WeHateTump blog, argues that he’s not entitled to the deference otherwise shown presidents: It is time to ask: Has Trump in effect forfeited some measure of judicial deference across contexts and cases, through his disrespect for the courts and the rule of law and his displays of prejudice and arbitrary decisionmaking? [read post]
26 Apr 2010, 11:25 am by James Bickford
Andersen compares the failure of Dawn Johnsen’s nomination to head the Office of Legal Counsel to the likely success of a nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Court, noting that a record of outspokenness can be a liability. [read post]
24 Jan 2009, 6:34 am
By elevating folks like Dawn Johnsen and Marty Lederman in Justice, Obama has marginalized the Taylor-like thinking on Bush-Cheneyism. [read post]
5 Aug 2020, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
For the Symposium on Mark Tushnet, Taking Back the Constitution: Activist Judges and the Next Age of American Law (Yale University Press 2020).Amanda Hollis-BruskyTaking Back the Constitution is an ambitious book that covers a wide swath of territory in its attempt to explain, critique and offer alternatives to the contemporary Supreme Court and its constitutional agenda. [read post]
4 Feb 2025, 3:58 pm by Marty Lederman
The Citizenship Clause, which is the first sentence of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, famously provides that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. [read post]
7 May 2010, 10:00 pm by Tom Goldstein
Below, we discuss the most significant aspects of Elena Kagan’s experience and writings as they relate to the Supreme Court. [read post]
17 Jan 2013, 8:05 am by Marty Lederman
On March 26 and 27, the Court will hear oral argument in the same-sex marriage cases, Hollingsworth v. [read post]