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27 Jan 2010, 7:43 am by Moseley Collins
University's Assertion Of Boilerplate Objections Is Without Basis In Greg Mannino v. [read post]
29 Jun 2015, 9:01 pm by Michael C. Dorf
Just as, in our era, prospective Supreme Court Justices must explain how their judicial philosophy approves of the 1954 Brown v. [read post]
26 Jul 2011, 9:51 pm
The NCAA 2010-2011 Division I Manual does not appear to discuss Social Media/Social Networking Monitoring and/or censorship so I am not sure how any NCAA institution thinks that it is acceptable to monitor and then censor its student-athletes.In Brown v. [read post]
22 Aug 2016, 12:08 pm by Eric Goldman
2016 has been a tough year for Section 230 jurisprudence, and the nadir (so far) was the appellate court ruling in Hassell v. [read post]
12 Apr 2016, 6:12 am by Ronald Mann
My own experience is much more in the realm of defense contracting (also a common FCA context, as in last Term’s Kellogg Brown & Root Services v. [read post]
14 Nov 2023, 2:57 am by SHG
” It’s unclear why the Court’s recognition of public criticism is a good thing, given that at the time the Court decided Brown v. [read post]
24 May 2011, 12:21 pm by Michael O'Hear
Ironically, the Times article appears next to an article on the political fallout from the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. [read post]
3 Aug 2015, 1:04 pm by Alfred Brophy
” And most of all, she acknowledges that she was “furious” at the Supreme Court for Brown v. [read post]
5 Aug 2013, 10:25 am by Eric
  EA has already signed an extension with the Collegiate Licensing Company, which controls trademark licensing for a large number of colleges and universities.) [read post]
4 Jan 2016, 8:28 am by Michael Dorf
Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University. [read post]
23 Jul 2015, 9:11 am by Rebecca Tushnet
 Jurisdictional Boundaries of Prior Use within Britain: An analysis of the House of Lords’ judgments in Roebuck v Stirling (1774) and Brown v Annandale (1842)Barbara Henry (University of Hertfordshire)Commentator | Eva Hemmungs Wirtén (Linköping University, Sweden) Two cases, 60 years apart. [read post]
30 Oct 2016, 3:20 pm by Amanda Seligman
Amanda Seligman is a Visiting Fellow in Law and Public Policy at Marquette University Law School. [read post]